Baths and Fevers

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Your POV 

I'm exhausted, full, and I wanna go to sleep. I opened the door and plopped into my bed. "(f/n), what now?" Ciel said poking me in the cheek. I took a deep breath and smelled the toxic fumes of puberty.

"Well first, both of you go take a bath!" I said standing up while pinching my nose shut. Then something came to my mind, "Do you guys even know how to?" after a second of silence I muttered under my breath "What am I going to do with them?"

"Actually, we do know how to bathe ourselves"Ciel said "How?!" I asked. He shrugged "If I stink that much, i'll go first." "okay"

I sat down on my desk when i heard something behind me, I looked over my shoulder and saw Ciel stripping off his shirt in the middle of the room. "Undress in the bathroom!" I yelled a tad bit too loud and he went walking to the bathroom in a walk of shame.

wait, does he even know how to operate a shower?

I heard the shower running smoothly as the answer to my question. "So you do know how to bathe yourselves" I said out loud. Alois looked over to Alois that stood at a dark corner of the room with a scowl in his face. "What makes you think that we don't know how to bathe ourselves?" he asked. "Well, in the series, we can see that the butlers are the ones that bathe you" I answered "What?! they actually put that part?!"-he said covering the lower half of his body-"What else did they put in that bloody series?!" "In your case, we saw when you poked Hanna's eye out and when you made her strip" "That was necessary!" he yelled, clearly annoyed and red of embarrassment. 

"Whatever" you mumbled as I turned to the window, cloudy as always. I closed my eyes for a moment and heard Alois sighing to calm himself down. I heard him coming closer and he whispered into my ear

"And if i told you to strip, would you do it?"

The sound of that made me stand up, as doing so, I collided with him, putting his hand around my waist and pulling me closer. "W-what are you doing?" I blurted, my face pure red "Its just a question, if you wanted it to be" he said in a low voice and took his free hand and stroked my (h/c) hair. "What the hell, Alois? Get off me" I asked as I tried to break free.

"I believe its Trancy's turn to bathe" Ciel suddenly appeared leaving the bathroom. The look in his eye seemed to be throwing daggers into Alois's back. It takes a few seconds for the pissed off Alois to release me of his grip and to walk over to the bathroom. He slams the door hard while I just stood there in shock. Ciel's voice snapped me out of my daze by calling my name. I went and sat at the edge of my bed, Ciel followed to sit next to me. It took me a second to realize he did'nt have a shirt on, just the pair of jeans and his towel drapped over his head. "Ciel!" I blurted as much as my red face let me. "What is it?" he said, still pissed off at Alois "He did'nt touch you right? Did he hurt you? If he did just nod and I'll kick the shit out of him" he said with a low voice and a threatning look in his eye, the kind of eye that makes you think he's gonna kill someone. As he did, he got closer. "No no its okay. You don't have to worry"

Don't worry about me at all

"I knew I could'nt let Trancy-pants out of my sight' Ciel mumbled under his breath expecting me not to hear it but I did "What? Trancy-pants?" "oh no its nothing"-he says trying to cover it-"anyways how's your head?" The look of hate suddenly disappeared as he asked me into a nice, sweet help full face. I touched the spot where the bandage was, its still red and a little inflamed and sends me a prick of pain through my head as I touch it. "Uh, I don't know. But it still hurts a little."

Ciel suddenly got closer and brushed my (h/c) hair out of the way and touched my forehead with his. "Do you have a fever? Should I take your temperature?" he said whie looking at me right in my eyes with his big blue eye "huh?" . He backed away to see my whole face which was obviously redder than a tomato on steroids. He must have cought me looking at his shirtless self and finally got the hint because he backed away with a serius blush on his face and quickly put on one of his spare shirts.


Welp, sorry about i dunno taking like about two months for an update even tho i promised i would update more frequently. sorry for such a short chapter compared to all my other ones. sorry for not being online.


blame school work. i've had like 5 projects due to these couple of weeks.

But what can I do?

Anyways thank you guys for supporting this series, i know its boring but it will get interesting along the way (i hope)

sorry for any grammatical  errors or typos (and plz forget about al the typos in this A/N, im tired)





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