Bullies and half-cousins

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As you walked into the kitchen, all your confidence in you drained

Inside were Fey and Kari, the meanest girls in your class. Even they are as ugly as hell, they can be difficult.

Fey is a chubby, black haired girl with the droopy face of a bloodhound. She is always looking at you in a bad way. The thing is that you have no idea how you ended up in her hate list. Whenever she is around, she looks at you like you just insulted her great-grandmother just by your existence. But in a way, you were afraid of her, like if you were waiting for her next insult.

Leaving Kari, she is merely her backup, and also just as ugly as Fey. She has blonde hair that looks like if she has never washed it, what looks like a fake tan, horrible teeth and a permanent scowl on her face. She is also one of the 4 people that actually live in the girl's dorms.

Reader-chan's POV

UGHH why do the hell do these bitches have to be everywhere?! I was just enjoying my time with Ciel and Alois and they just ruined the moment.

Alright, calm down, you are gonna get your ass down there and make the tea the boys have ever tasted, and they will eventually fall in love with you. Oh stop dreaming, that's never gonna happen *mental slap*

I go over to the counter and take out the teapot (the one you put over the stove) and the earl grey tea.

and it begins

"(f/n), what is THAT on your hair?!" Fey said in that man girl voice


"None of your business" I say clearly not giving any crap. This was the approach I always use with people like this, the "IDGAF what you are talking about" approach ......kinda like Ciel.But now I notice what Fey is talking about, my hair is a mess. Well, how do you think hair is gonna turn out after having an episode of fangirling huh?

"Its SO ugly" she continued

".....like you" I said over my shoulder while I heat up the water in the teapot. I whip around and see that she is totally offended, it leaves me off with a mischievous grin

Frantic to change the subject, she hits one of my weak spots

"Heard you singing yourself happy birthday, so what did you wish for? a family? hah, pathetic"

I stiffened, she has no right to talk about me like that right in front of my face. GAH, quick, I need a snappy comeback......aha!

"I actually wished for you to shut the hell up, looks like it didn't work. Gonna try next year" I said as cool as possible, Soul would be proud of me. And to finish it off, I sat up in the kitchen counter next to the stove where the water was heating up

The next thing I know, Fey was running towards me and yanked my hair down to her level and and punched me in the cheek and kicked me in the ribs. But I fought back as well, I punched her in her gut and kicked her in the shins. Kari was just looking from the kitchen island they both were in making breakfast. Then Fey shoved me, hitting myself hard in the head with the counter, and I instantly blacked out. But before that, I could have sworn that I heard the kitchen door open.

Idunnowho's POV

You woke up to a strange warmth in your cheek, when you opened your eyes, Ciel's midnight blue eye stares into your (e/c) eyes, his hand was softly caressing your now blushing cheek. It seemed like he didn't care if you were awake or not.

"C-Ciel? W-What are you doing, Ciel?" You said hiding your blush. You tried to sit up when piercing pain went through your temple. You immediately toutched it and noticed that it was already bandaged up.

Wish-AloisxReaderxCiel~Black ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now