Chapter 4

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Zendaya and Val ran into the hospital's waiting room, where they found the rest of the guys. The place was dead silent everyone sitting down in chairs, just staring into space. The feeling made their hearts drop into the pit of their stomachs.  

“Serge, we heard what happened.” Val urged, breaking the silence with his and Zendaya's arrival.

“Is he okay?” Zendaya asked, her voice laced with panic.

“Yeah, he’s in stable condition." Serge sighed. "Doc says the bullet missed all vital organs. But he'll be here for a while recovering.” He explained, eyes dotting back and forth between them, a thought flashed through his mind but he decided against voicing it.

“Oh thank God.” Zendaya sighed, letting out a breath she hadn't known she was holding.

“How’s Sana holding up?” Val requested, remembering her voice as she cried her heart out when she gave him the details. He wanted to make sure she was alright.

“She’s doing okay, she’s with him, but visiting hours are over. We have to wait outside.” He returned, shoving his hands into his pockets.

“Who did this?” Val questioned, feeling his blood boil at these turn of events, someone had tried to kill one of his best friends. The sooner he got some answers the faster he could nuke the guy and his gang.

“A few say the Kristoff family sprayed the car, he was on his way home." Alex interjected, walking closer to the group. "We don’t know for sure.”  He placed a hand on Val's shoulder and could feel how tense he was. “I told him that area wasn’t safe, it’s full of their associates.” The redhead explained.

“It had to be them, there’s no other explanation." Val affirmed, nodding his head as if to solidify the information given. "So they want to start a Turf War?" He began pacing, this news riled him up. "I swear to God, I’ll light every one of those fuckers up.” He roared and his boys seemed to have his back as well.

“...Wait a second, Val." Zendaya whispered, pulling him to the side. "This is serious, people’s lives are at stake.” She expressed her concern, she had to reason with him.

“So you just expect me to sit there and do nothing?!” Val asked, chest heaving as he wrenched his mind away from the thought of just sitting on his ass not fighting for what he thought was right.

“I just need you to think. Think about the people who care about you. Your family, friends, think about... me.” This was insane, she needed him to stop believing he was Superman for once in his life, he could actually be killed.

“Zendaya, I’m thinking about all of that!" He growled. "They can’t just walk around shooting people as they please." He squinted his eyes, disbelieving. "It’s disrespectful to me, my family, my crew, and I damn sure as hell am not gonna stand there and do nothing about it!” He exclaimed, passion burning in his emerald eyes.

She just wasn't getting it, this was the way of the Mafia, and he would live by these rules for as long as he lived another day on this earth.

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