Chapter 3

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Later that night, Val finally pulled into the driveway of the house his family owned. Another long day of business but it was all worth it, he was tired and happy to be home.

He ran a hand over his face before unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the car door. He left the door opened as he traveled to the trunk of the huge SUV. He retrieved the duffle bag of merchandise, closed the trunk, and traveled back to his open car door. He took off his suit jacket and firearms and placed them where they usually go, and then finally he closed the door and began walking towards the front door of his home.

He opened the door, using the keys he'd already had out, and entered the house. He immediately noticed his mother and father, sitting at the dining room that surpassed the large living room of the house.

"Valentin! Finally you're home!" His mother exclaimed happily. His father looked up and smiled as well. "Dinner's in the kitchen, I made Shashlyk!" Larisa Chmerkovskiy practically chirped.

Val eyed the woman, whom by the looks of it, was feeding his father apple pie and drinking white wine. Those two really did exercise PDA a little too much...

"Thanks Mama," Val replied. "But... I already ate something." He explained an apologetic look on his face. Also because he knew how much his mother enjoyed cooking for her family and he hated lying to her.

"Valentin." The Ukraine woman admonished.

"I know Mama. Prosti." Val apologized. "But I'm a man, I eat, and eat, and eat." He smiled at his mother. "I'll have some a little later." He assured the woman.

"Okay." His words seemed to satisfy his mother, whom went back to feeding his father delicious looking apple pie.

Sasha closed his eyes before saying, "Mmm. Each bite gets better and better." He smiled up at his wife who wiped a couple of crumbs away from his mouth.

"It'd be even better if you managed to keep it all in your mouth." She teased and Sasha merely looked up at her and smiled, a happy look in his eyes, love.

"Ahem." Val cleared his throat, hating to interrupt his parent's moment, but there was business that had to be taken care of.

His parents both looked over at him in question and Val apologetically held up the duffle bag in his hand. A look of realization crossed his father's face and Sasha cleared his throat as well.

"Right." He said a gruff voice. "I'd almost forgotten." He spoke. She stared at her husband strictly.

"Handle your business Sasha but remember, you promised to watch "Chastnaya zhizn" with me." She reminded, a stern look on her face.

Sasha scrunched his nose up in a look of slight disgust at the thought of the romance movie but he still smiled nonetheless, though it came out looking more like a grimace.

"I remember." He told her before reaching out, grasping her chin softly and bringing her to him for a soft kiss. "Go ahead and get it ready, I won't be long." Sasha told his wife, voice low and husky.

"Really gotta tone down on the PDA." Val muttered to himself, looking away from the sight of his parents, a look of disgust on his face.

"What Valentin?" His father questioned, breaking away from his mother.

"Nothing." Val muttered before grabbing Sasha's arm and moving him away from his wife and over towards his at home office, across the living room.

After a few steps in the right direction, Val dropped his father's arm but continued towards the office his father used. He was staring at him with an amused and knowing smirk on his face, which made Val think that he knew exactly what he had said moments ago. Val rolled his eyes at this realization before stepping into the office, after his father.

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