Chapter 2

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Val was just about to step through the double doors, that led to the gym, when they burst open and he was nearly bombarded as he met with the members of his crew.

“Bro, we heard what happened!” Teddy looked eager to say more but was quickly interrupted as the other men began to speak.

“Going a week without fighting is like not breathing for you.” Alex, Val’s redheaded best friend spoke, grinning from ear to ear with, oddly enough, a look of pride on his face that seemed extremely out of place.

“The whole place is buzzing about it.” Serge spoke up, a look of badly disguised nervousness and concern in his blue eyes.

“I swear these fools gossip like a bunch of girls.” Val muttered, annoyed as he looked around at his crew of criminals, whom were also his best friends.

“So what really happened? Can’t believe a thing that comes out of these shit head’s mouths…” Alex asked, a look of intense interest on his face as he wrapped an arm around Val’s shoulders.

Val told his friends about the earlier ‘bullshit’ as he called it. While explaining everything, he also informed the guys of his conversation with his father.

“Damn, you know you’ve really got to stop this, man.” Serge was the first to speak after Val’s story. “The guys are starting to call you ‘Scarface’.” He declared, voice rising an octave.

“I don’t give a damn what those bastards think.”

“Yeah. We can tell. Fully noted, alright?” Teddy countered. “But you’re old man is cool. I mean sure he’s tough, but he knows that you’ve got potential. This acting out is taking away from your Pop’s credibility… making him look bad.”

“Well as I told you in my story,” Val drawled out. “It looks like I’m going to have to stop any ways.” He spoke lazily as if unaffected by his friend’s words, when in actuality they had sunken into his head. “I’m being forced to. So there’s no need for an intervention. There will be no fighting, okay?” He informed, glancing around at all of his brothers for confirmation that they’d understood him.

“Good to hear it.”

“Thank God.”

“This fucking sucks.”

Val sighed, but couldn’t help the small smile that broke out onto his face at his friends typical responses. He reached into his back pocket pulling out his wallet and a rubber band. He proceeded to retract the many bills inside of his wallet and roll them into a bundle.

“Uh, what’s up with the wallet?” Alex asked, eyeing the object with raised eyebrows.

“Sometimes I like to use it for show, y’know? ...For Zendaya.” He mumbled, slightly embarrassed, though he didn’t show it. “No need to constantly remind her that her big brother is a criminal.” He wrapped the rubber band around the large bundle of bills and put it away.

“The things you do for that girl…” Alex spoke again, looking at Val, shaking his head with a look of skepticism on his face.

“Yeah yeah. It’s real heartwarming and all.” He brushed off before pushing through the guys and walking over to the side door. “Let’s go guys, pick up time.” He announced with a serious look on his face. “We’re taking my car.”

The other guys followed. Val’s black Range Rover was parked right outside of the gym. As the guys got into his car, he retrieved his black shoulder double gun holster from its spot on his front seat and strapped it on. He pulled out the gun on his left and right and checked to make sure they were both loaded before placing them back into their holsters. He then put on his white dress shirt underneath his wife beater, buttoning it up half way and hung his black business suit jacket on the head rest on back his seat.

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