Chapter 5

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Life went back to normal when Kyuhyun and Misa returned to Seoul . The twins had been especially vocal about not wanting to go back home, which Mari was quick to agree thru imitation. It had taken a lot of pleading from Kyuhyun, cajoling from Misa, plus a promised visit from their sousofu to get the three Cho kids to finally pack their bags.

"They're more like you everyday!" Misa had teased her husband as the kids reluctantly shoved their clothes into their suitcases.

The day after their return, Misa buried herself in the bakery, determined to make up for her weeklong absence. After leaving the bakery in the hands of a capable assistant manager and a four man crew for seven days, Misa was eager to lose herself in the art of making cakes.

The kids fell into a regular routine with Kyuhyun being on hiatus from filming; it was Kyuhyun who woke them up in the morning and fixed them breakfast (usually cold cereal and milk), made sure they got dressed and ready for the day, then let them loose in the backyard until lunchtime. The twins complained about him when Misa got home at two in the afternoon, but the light in their eyes betrayed the fact that they were ecstatic to have their father home with them.

"Umma's home!" Sunny shrieked days after their return. The moment Misa opened the garage door that led into the small mudroom off of the kitchen, the little girl went running towards her mother, flinging herself at her legs.

Tae Hyun and Mari came tromping after her, also attaching themselves to their mother's legs. Misa laughed and gave each child a kiss in greeting. "Where's appa?" she asked.

"Here!" Kyuhyun called from the family room.

Misa followed the kids back into the family room and immediately burst out laughing. Kyuhyun was wrapped in hot pink party streamers, arms pinned to his side, laying under a makeshift tent made from sheets from the linen closet that stretched from the couch and across the room to the loveseat. He was also wearing the kangaroo hat from Super Junior's Super Show 2, but had a red rubber nose that was currently blinking.

"Hi, angel!" he greeted, somewhat sheepishly.

"Do I even want to know?" she teased him.

"I don't even know what happened!" he joked.

"What did he do?" Misa asked her kids, grinning.

"He's an evil kangaroo math genius that tried to corrupt us with addition problems!" Tae Hyun declared, and it was then that she noticed the toy police badge pinned to his t-shirt.

"Bad Roo!" Mari added, shaking a chubby finger at her father; he pouted in return.

"So we had to take him down because math isn't allowed in Parkchopia," Sunny explained.

"Park...chopia?" Misa repeated, baffled.

"It's your before married name and appa's name together," Sunny explained.

Misa grinned at their creativity. "Oh, I see," she said. "Well, is there any way for the Evil KangaKyu to not be a bad roo?"

The three kids burst into giggles. "KangaKyu!" Sunny shrieked with delight. "Good one, umma!"

From the floor, Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. "It's not that funny, Sunny!" he said.

Mari happily clapped her hands. "Funny Sunny!" she exclaimed, pointing to her sister. "KangaKyu!" She pointed to her father.

Misa laughed again. "You guys are weird!" she teased, and the kids giggled again. She walked over and knelt down beside her husband and pretended to tug at the streamers. "Oh, he's tied up good!" she announced. "He must've been a really bad roo!"

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