Chapter 1

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Something was wrong.

Cho Misaki felt it in her heart the moment she woke up from the terrifying dream she'd been trapped in for most of the early hours of the morning. She supposed the first time she'd awakened around midnight, her chest constricted and heaving, gasping for breath as sweat poured down her face, should've been her first inclination of some sort of distress, but forcefully ignoring the dread that filled her entire body and going back to sleep had pushed those worries aside.

But awaking three times after that, in just a space of two hours and realizing it was the same terrifying dream that ruthlessly jerked her awake, brought those worries to the forefront of her mind.

The images from her dream were dark, almost incomprehensible, yet they conveyed the sense of danger and fear so real that each time she was pulled back into her unconscious, sleeping state, she'd violently awake, feeling completely distressed. Once conscious, however, snippets of the dream floated to mind, somewhat clearer and sharper, but only serving to heighten the painful tightening in her chest.

Something was wrong, terribly wrong.

She hated feeling like this, knowing some tragedy had struck somewhere, but unable to confirm such knowledge, clueless as to how it affected her. She had always been told to trust her instincts, and they had never failed in the past, but this...not knowing, not having any immediate answers as to why her heart felt broken was almost unbearable!

With a deep sigh, Misa slowly lowered herself back down upon her pillow, tiredly closing her eyes. Countless awakenings from a terrible recurring nightmare throughout the night was finally affecting her and she felt exhausted.

An arm suddenly snaked around her waist, lightly squeezing her. "You okay, angel?" a soft, yet low voice whispered into her ear.

Oops! she thought.

Pulling her eyes open, Misa turned slightly on her side, her nose lightly brushing against her husband's cheek. She stared at him for a moment, studying his half-closed eyes, the sleepy grin and mussed hair, feeling a small smile tug at her lips at the sight of him.

Cho Kyuhyun hadn't changed much in appearance in the eight years they'd been married, but Misa didn't mind. Gone was his lithe and lanky form, replaced with a more toned and sculpted one; he'd also gained weight proportionate to his body, giving him a more mature look and stance. No longer plagued with acne from his younger, idol days, his milky white skin was now smooth and slightly tanned. He kept his hair shorter nowadays, its color still an inky black, thanks to the less demanding schedule of an older idol.

"I'm fine, anata," she whispered back, kissing him softly on the cheek. "Didn't mean to wake you; sorry." She snuggled deeper under the covers, moving closer to him. She felt foolish for waking him with her nightmares, which made him, in turn, worry about her. Even after all these years, she still hated the fact that he still worried about her, despite the fact that the number of antis against her had dropped.

No use burdening him about this, she thought, burying her face in the crook of his neck. I don't even know what it is that's worrying me! She inhaled deeply, smiling at his scent, momentarily forgetting her worries.

Kyuhyun sleepily grinned, wrapping her in his arms, and tucking her head under his chin. "You can make it up to me with some Snuggle Time," he said. He cracked an eye open when he felt her laughing, softly. "What's so funny?" he asked.

"You are, Kyuhyun," she answered, craning her neck so she could look up at him; she was smirking. "You and I both know that our definitions of Snuggle Time totally differ!"

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