Chapter 2

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Murikame Takahashi sat uncomfortably in the leather chair just outside a pair of large oak doors, shifting in his seat. This wasn’t the first time he’d been summoned to the big boss’ office- he’d lost count of how many times he’d been called here in the past- but the waiting room did nothing to dispel the uneasiness that accompanied him on each visit.

The room itself was large and open, with floor to ceiling windows covering an entire wall, allowing visitors a spectacular view of the home’s private garden. Just parallel to the windows were family portraits of members past and present belonging to the Shinimoto family, their framed likenesses hung proudly on a dark mahogany wall.

The floor was laid in polished black marble, veins of slate-colored patterns running through the surface. The light from the can lights embedded in the matching ceiling reflected off the gleaming floor, nearly blinding Taka.

It was all so formal and cold, almost uninviting for a room designated to house waiting guests. Taka didn’t like it and he liked meeting with the big boss even less.

The doors suddenly opened, revealing a smartly dressed young woman in a dark business jacket and skirt, her dark hair pulled back in a loose bun. She stopped just a few feet in front of his seat and bowed. “Mr. Shinimoto will see you now,” she announced.

Taka got to his feet and returned the bow, then followed her back into the room. This room was more ornately decorated, but darker in contrast to the previous room. The ceiling was not as high as the waiting room, giving the office a smaller, cozier feeling, but Taka did not feel any less uneasy than he did before.

An older man sat behind the great dark mahogany desk placed in front of the far wall of the room, his attention focused on the neatly stacked papers in front of him. He wore black-rimmed reading glasses, his hair a mix of salt and pepper, his face tanned and lined with years of life’s experiences. Though he appeared to be reading the documents on his desk, his posture was almost as stiff as the leather high-backed chair he sat upon.

“Mr.Murikame, sir,” the assistant announced, stopping beside the chair in front of the desk.

Taka immediately bowed to his elder, who merely dismissed his assistant with a wave of his hand. Both men waited until she left the room, closing the door behind her, before speaking.

“Did they find it?” Mr. Shinimoto asked, his eyes now firmly planted on the young man before him. He took off his glasses and casually threw them onto his desk.

Taka watched the frames bounce once, then slide across the smooth desk surface; it bumped into the antique lamp near the desk’s edge. “No, sir,” he answered with an apologetic bow. “The…artifact wasn’t there when they searched for it.”

Mr. Shinimoto sighed, leaning back into his chair. He brought his fingertips together, pressing his mouth to the sides of the steeple his hands formed, his eyes thoughtful. “Hmm, that is a shame,” he commented.

Taka felt the hairs on the back of his neck prickle. Although the words were said casually, there was something menacing just beneath the surface of his tone. “W-We do have a-a few leads, sir,” he quickly said, the sudden urge to fill the break in conversation overwhelming.

“Do you now?” Mr. Shinimoto said, an eyebrow raised. He carefully got to his feet and slowly made his way around the desk. “And, have you…investigated these so-called leads?” he asked, stopping just in front of Taka.

The younger man nervously swallowed, noting his throat was dry. “Even as-as we sp-speak, sir,” he managed to squeak out.

Quick as lightning, Mr. Shinimoto’s hand struck out, closing tightly around Taka’s neck. The latter felt his windpipe being squeezed, painfully, and let out a gasp.

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