"Nice to meet you, Harry and Ron."

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"Don't forget to write once you get there!" Ms. Honey called as Matilda was busy chatting with Hermione at Platform 9 3/4. Her friend Lavender turned out to be a muggle.

"Will do soon as I arrive!" she smiled and boarded the train.

Lots of students were already there, it took them a long time to find a almost empty compartment. The only one in there was a cute little boy, or what Matilda thought was. "Can I sit here?"

"Of course, my name is Neville Longbottom."

Matilda and Hermione shook hand with Neville and introduced themselves.

"Oh no I can't find my toad!" he screamed suddenly. 

"Do you need any help?" Hermione suggested.

"Yes please, thank you."

"Come on 'Tilda, lets go to somewhere else and see if we can find Neville's toad. Or maybe he will be in trouble."

They went to a compartment with only two boys, one of them had ginger red hair, he was practicing magic. "Hi, my name is Hermione Granger. What's yours?"

"I'm Ron Weasley." the boy said stuffing candy into his mouth.

"Harry Potter." said the other boy.

"Have you seen a toad?" asked Hermione.


"Fine. Are you doing magic? Let me see then." Ron performed a funny spell on his rat Scabbers but it didn't work."

She used Reparo on Harry's glasses and it became clearer. 

Ronald Weasley was not happy. With no choice, Hermione and Matilda left Harry and Ron so they can go back to Neville. "No luck." they said at the same time.

Soon the train stopped, Hogwarts was there. The first years rode a boat which Matilda shared with Hermione and Neville. They finally saw Hogwarts. It was beautiful, and shall I say, huge. "Wow!" mouthed the 3 children.

A man named Hagrid called, "Boy, is that your toad?"

"Yes, thank you sir." said Neville grabbing Trevor.

Later, they met the woman Matilda knew from her birthday, professor McGonagall. "When I call your names, you sit on the chair and put the hat on to get sorted." Matilda and her friends nodded. She heard Ron whisper to Harry, "I thought we are going to fight a dragon!"

She pulled out a piece of parchment, "Abbott, Hannah."

"Hufflepuff!" as the girl with pigtail rushed to her house table.

"Bones, Susan."

The hate waited for a while, "Hufflepuff!"

More student were sorted before professor McGonagall called "Granger, Hermione!"

She is definitely a Ravenclaw, Matilda thought. What other houses could she be in? But she was wrong, after 3 or so minute, the hate screamed "GRYFFINDOR!" Hermione joined the Gryffindors.

"Potter, Harry."

Loads of students whispered about him, how can he be so famous? He was sorted into Gryffindor after a long time, but Matilda swore she heard the word "Slytherin" when the sorting hat was talking.

Finally, "Honey, Matilda!"

A/N: Hi guys, another chapter! Thanks for reading!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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