social heirarchy

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the ride to school with max had been, awkward to say the least.

as mike drove, el resided in the passenger seat next to him. he kept his hardened gaze on the road, hand tightly gripping the steering wheel whereas she rested her hand on her temple, both out of discomfort and a soon to be expected headache.

this however did not stop max from poking her little redhead in between them from the back seat.

"are we sure this is a good idea? i mean, hooking up behind everyone's backs... you're bound to get caught by the wrong person sooner or later.."

"i thought we agreed to keep this ride silent, mayfield."

she tried not to snicker at his choice of words, but couldn't help herself, mumbling, "bet that's not what you said last night..."

"max!"  el exclaimed, clearly wanting all of this to be over, honest to god wishing it never occurred. not what happened with mike of course, but her best friend finding out by catching them in a compromising position. she should've known privacy with max was never an option, and that she was filled with crude jokes and statements. not just this, but she knew concern and scolding would come later.

"i didn't say anything!"

moments of silence pass again before she speaks up once more,

"i'm just trying to look out for you el, both of you! but i mean, mike? wheeler? really, el? like out of all the boys in hawk—"

"enough max!"


and mike's first period class with her with could be even worse.

his gaze was glued down to his notes when he heard whispered 'psst' coming from behind him, repeatedly. nevertheless, he ignored them and continued to scribble notes down from the lesson mr murray was teaching a few meters away. up until force is applied to the back of his ankle.

"ow! what the f-" he abruptly whipped his head to see non other then max mayfield grinning at him like a cheshire cat.

she simply shrugged, "you weren't responding so.."

when he rolled his eyes and turned back to his paper, she whispered yelled his name, once, twice, three times, not vocal enough to grab anyone's attention, but loud enough to irritate him.

"what? what is it max?" he lashed with a sharp tone, clearly still irritated and slightly humiliated from the situation he had been caught in this morning.

she smirked, her eyes glimmered with mischief as they travel to a few meters away where josie winters sat in the front corner of the classroom, her back straight and dark locks slicked back in a tight ponytail.


"so what?"

"oh come on mike, who's better..." she's trailed off like she knows the exact answer, and she just want to hear it come from his mouth.

he resisted the urge to loudly gasp when he registered what she implied she was asking, "oh fuck off! i am not answering that!"

mike should've known she'd be crossing clear boundaries once she found out about him and el. especially considering his ex-girlfriend isn't the most liked girl, and the fact max mayfield wouldn't know boundaries if they smacked her right across the face.

she gasped quietly, careful not to grasp the attention of their teacher or other students, and glad they sit in rows of singles and not groups. she can terrorize mike all she wants.

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