2. Girl Problems? Got them.

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My alarm went off at 6 A.M. on the dot. I set it about 10 minutes before I actually have to get up so I have a little bit of time to actually wake up. I finally got up at 6:15. After I had showered and brushed my teeth, I walked over to my dresser and looked for some bottoms to wear. Is it too soon to wear sweatpants? What's the weather supposed to be today? Shorts or jeans? I sounded like a girl trying to decide.

I ended up picking a pair of black Nike shorts and slipped them on. I then walked to my closet and grabbed the first shirt I saw. It happened to be a grey "Just Do It" shirt. I slipped on my red, white, and blue crocs then went downstairs.

I smelled the pancakes cooking before I had made it to the kitchen.

"Morning, Momma," I hugged her.

"Morning kiddo," she replied as she hugged back.

Pancakes are my favorite but I wasn't feeling well so I made up an excuse to skip family breakfast. I drove to school and sat in the parking lot for about half an hour.

About 10 minutes before the bell rang, a white, jacked up truck pulled in. I watched to see who got out because I was curious. Two minutes later I was still watching. At 7:35, the passenger side door opened. Angel Eyes stepped out and opened the back door and grabbed her bag.

Dude, that's hot. It might not be her truck but it's someone she is associated with. I walked to Mrs. Clay's classroom and 3 of the guys from my basketball team were already there.

Mrs. Clay started a slide show for us to take notes when I got a text from Mason.

From Mason:
Cute girl in this class.

To Mason:

The bell finally rang. I was excited for Drivers Ed but I didn't really know what to expect. I put my binder in my locker and when I turned around Angel Eyes was at one of the lockers across from mine. Beside her was the girl she was with when I first saw her. Another girl with short, curly hair was also with them.

Driver Ed was uneventful and before I knew it, it was break. I went into Dad's office and heated up a few cinnamon rolls my Nana made for me. She still lives in Downtane so she sends us with at least 3 pans every weekend.

Third hour I decided that college is boring. I have 2 study halls dedicated to college, fortunately they're not side by side. Fourth hour I have English, which in past years, I have struggled with because I don't apply myself. Fifth hour I had Algebra 2 and I was dreading it. I'm quite good at it but it's time consuming.

I was sitting down and getting a pencil out of my bag when she walked in. I don't remember her being in here yesterday. She must have switched classes.

So I was officially fucked.

After class I met up with the triplets in Dad's office in the gym.

"sup kiddo?" Mason asked me.

I playfully shoved him for calling me a kid but in all reality, I didn't mind much. Being a kid means less worries and stressors. Lord knows I've had enough of those to last a while.

"Girl problems, got it," Mason said as he walked away.

A/N: Hi so I know that this chapter is quite short. The following chapters are already written and have a lot more words. I will upload them shortly❤️

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