15. I think I'll Say Yes

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Monday finally comes. I have been on edge all weekend. I still don't know why I agreed to the stupid dare.

I get up and get ready for school. I put on nicer clothes since I'm asking a girl on a date. I put on a pair of light colored jeans and my white hoodie. I go downstairs where Mom is making pancakes.

"Good morning," she says, brightly.

"Morning," I reply.

Mom notices my tone and turns to look at me.

"Are you feeling ok, sweetheart?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't look fine. You look sick. Do you need to stay home today?"

"I'm fine, Momma. Just nerves."

"Nervous? Why?"

"I'm asking Taylen to go out to dinner with me on Friday."

"Oh. Yay! Finally!"

I roll my eyes and smile at her. I actually feel a little less nervous. She grabs the plate of pancakes and I grab the syrup.

"Get your brothers and don't you dare shout," Mom says, fixing me with a serious look. I laugh and walk up the stairs.

"Boys, breakfast," I say, peeking into Auston and Bryson's room. Bryson is still trying to clothe himself and Auston is still sprawled out on the bed, completely naked. How they manage to be on time everyday is beyond me.

They both give me a thumbs up to acknowledge that they heard me. Next, I knock on Mason's door and open it without waiting for an answer. If he's naked, oh well. Nothing I haven't seen before. I open his door and he is sitting at his desk, playing on his phone.

"Breakfast is ready," I tell him.

"Good. What are we having?"


His eyes light up. Pancakes are his favorite food. Mason jumps up and practically sprints downstairs. I chuckle to myself. When I get back downstairs, everyone is at the table. Again, how are the boys still on time???

I get two pancakes and put the blueberry syrup on them. I start eating. I look up after I have taken a few bites and laugh at Mason. His plate probably has six pancakes. I finished and by the time I did, Mason had eaten eight.

I got in my truck still wondering what Taylen would say. Hopefully Gracie and Mom are right and she does like me. If not, well it will be extremely awkward and embarrassing. I have a sudden thought. Alex and Gracie would be adorable together. I'll have to work on that.

I drive myself to school in silence. I was so out of it, I almost rear ended someone. When I get to school, I get my lunchbox and go to the gym. The triplets and Dad beat me to school today. I'm not sure how because we left at almost the same time.

The bell rings and I walk to Mrs. Clay's classroom. As I'm walking I see the group standing by Taylen and Jae's shared locker. I duck behind the lockers since I'm late. Mrs. Clay tries to be sassy but Taylen was not having it.

"Was that the bell or am I just hearing things?" Mrs. Clay asks in a rude tone.

Taylen returns it, "No, it was the bell."

Taylen is fighting a smile. Mrs. Clay kept staring at her. Finally she walks away and mumbles, "It was a rhetorical question."

Jaelynn and Alex look at each other and then at Taylen. I think they are in shock.

"It's so funny when you smart off to her," Jae says.

"That was the first time," Taylen replies looking confused.

"No. You did it a few days ago too."


"When you answered her question and she said not quite. You were all like 'it was a guess'."

"Oh. I didn't do that on purpose. I was just saying."

They start walking down to the other end of the hallway. After they pass, I start walking toward my class, ready to face the storm. When I walk in, Mrs. Clay glares at me hard. I just walk to my seat and sit down. She rolls her eyes.

We spend the whole hour writing down the blue highlighted information from each slide. I am very relieved when the bell rings. I grab my binder and quickly walk out. Second hour, I have to drive. I don't do my best. I am still nervous.

Break comes and instead of hanging out with any of my friends, I hide in Dad's office. I eat a cereal bar and then get on my phone. I go to Taylen's Instagram to see if I can get any hints. I figure out that she is in love with ice cream, her words not mine. That might be handy to know.

The bell rings and I go to study hall. The triplets are there and Auston is talking up this girl named Sara. Usually it's Mason and Auston. Mason has been much better since he got in trouble with Dad.

In a matter of minutes it felt like it was actually hours, math class is here. By the time I get there Jae and Tay are in their seats. I better turn on the charm if I'm going to get this to go well. I look at Taylen and catch her looking at me. Instead of turning away she stares at me curiously. I wink at her and look to the front at the board.

After class, I go super slow so I can catch up with Tay and Jae. They're always the last ones out. I'm so nervous, I feel like I'm going to throw up. The plan is for Jae and Alex to give us a few minutes of alone time. I texted them the other day to make sure they are ok with it and ask for their help. After they leave I will just ask. I'm not the greatest at this kind of thing. My last girlfriend was a little rough around the edges and not into mushy things.

I catch up with them and we laugh and talk the whole way to the wall. Alex snatched a brownie from her locker. When we sit down she pulls out a very small container containing a slice of cheese. I laugh at her as she breaks the cheese into pieces and eats it.

Alex and Jae make up some type of excuse and get up and leave. I look at Taylen and she is smiling her pretty smile at me. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"Tay, do you have plans on Friday?" My mouth feels very dry.

"I don't think so. Why?"

"Would you want to go somewhere with me?"

She scrunches her eyebrows and stares at me for a minute. "Peter Harris, are you asking me out?"

I rub the back of my neck and try to find the best way to say yes without being lame. "Um, I think?"

Wow! Good job, Peter. Way to go!!!!

She giggles at me and I blush. "In that case, I think I'll say yes."


I'm going on a date with the prettiest girl, ladies and gents.

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