60. Anything Right

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So I let someone I know read my book. Finally. It's been 11 months since I started it. He was very supportive and chill about the whole thing. He actually got into the storyline more than I expected. Everyone say HI PATRICK!!!

I haven't talked to Taylen in a week. I've been doing chores, writing sentences, and being bored out of my mind the whole time I've been off school. I wasn't allowed to use my phone, watch tv, or go anywhere. It had been torture. Bryson was the first of us to brave complaining about the grounding. It was definitely not a good idea to ask in the first week of it. He added an extra week to his grounding and got 10 swats from the hairbrush from Mom. She hasn't really talked to us much this week. Dad has been at school and on the days that Mom worked, we went with her.

My parents had been planning to go away on a trip and they almost canceled when we got into trouble, but Jason offered to keep us for the weekend. That's where we're headed now. Jason was going to make us do a lot outside chores. He and Carter have been clearing out some of the woods behind their house and also putting up a pretty fence. We had brought Bella with us, and Taylen was going to watch her inside, so her dog didn't eat her.

We got there and the male Sanders were already busy. They came over to greet us.

"Hey guys," Jason said loudly, taking off the glove of his right hand to shake dad's.

"Hey, I really appreciate you watching over them," Dad replied sincerely.

"Eh, it's no problem."

"If they give you any trouble, you have our full permission to punish them as you see fit and I'll deal with it when I get home," Dad said seriously.

On the way over, he had lectured on and on about how we had better be the best behaving boys or we were going to be the sorriest. It was a threat I didn't take lightly. I still vividly remember what happened a week ago. I am not looking for any more trouble at this time. I still don't even know if Taylen is mad at me.

Dad hugged each one of us and reminded us to behave. Once he got to me, he had additional instructions.

"Stay out of her room," he sternly said.

"Yes sir," I agreed quickly.

I was bummed that we weren't going to get to really talk but maybe that was a blessing in disguise. For all I know, she could be planning on punishing me and if my brothers were to know, I'd never live it down. I am honestly surprised that Carter hasn't said anything. I know that they heard it. It hadn't occurred to me at the time of the event to be embarrassed but I sure am now.

We were put to work instantly. Carrying boards, painting boards, screwing broads together, and measuring distance to make sure they were even and straight.

It was the middle of January, and we were sweating. It was 55° outside. We had been wearing light jackets, but we stripped them off within the first 20 minutes. Jason was kind of a hard ass when it came to working 5 teenage boys. I guess Carter had been mouthy all morning and had managed to get a "warm-up" that was more of a "cool-off".

Tay brought us out waters and other drinks occasionally, making it a little more bearable to be out here. She was wearing leggings and my hoodie with fuzzy socks that were made to look like raccoons. She wasn't acting angry towards me, but who knows? That could just be a show. She's good at those. Auston kept glaring at me when she smiled at me. I know Bryson remembers too, but he was also off his ass drunk, so he gets it.

Around what I guessed was 2, she came out with makeup on, and her hair was done.

"I made sandwiches and the whole house is spotless so if any one of you make any sort of mess, I will hang you by your ears. Petey, can you come help me carry these out here?"

"Sure," I wiped my forehead with my jacket and went to help her.

I followed her into the house, and we went into the kitchen. On the counter, there was a plate of fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies and some tasty looking sandwiches on a separate plate. They were the sandwiches I was expecting with something like turkey and cheese. These sandwiches were chicken, bacon, ranch with spinach and tomatoes (only on 2). She made me wash my hands before I was allowed to touch anything.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked randomly, as I scrubbed my hands with the Bath and Body Works soap.

"I'm exactly happy with you. You broke at least 2 rules and that's before I actually know any of the details. You were extremely irresponsible, you were not being the best version of you that you could be, I am almost certain you swore, and God knows what else. I know you got a harsh punishment from your dad, and I know your mom is still barely talking to you, but I don't know if I want to get you in trouble or not. For now, we are taking these sandwiches out and then I am going out with my girlfriends," she went on a long-winded rant.

My eyes began to tear up, but I blinked them away. Now was not the time to have yet another fall apart secession. I sighed deeply and took the tray of subs outside. She rolled her eyes and grabbed the bags of chips and the sodas she was serving. The workers all lit up at the sight of the delicious food and she handed them soap before they could get close enough to touch anything. They all took turns washing their hands at the water spigot under the overhang that connected the house and garage.

She handed out plates then allowed everyone to pick out their lunch. She went back inside as we began to eat and came back out with her wallet and keys.

"Where ya headed, Peach?"

"I haven't decided yet. I'll be back around 11," she kissed his cheek, and he gave her some cash.

She explained to me that she has her card that is attached to his account, but he preferred for her to keep cash on her for those pop-up emergencies. It made sense to me.

She left and Jason put the triplets and Carter back to work. He wanted me to help him clean up, but I guess that he also decided that it was time to finally grill me. He kept asking me all these questions that most girlfriend's dads ask. It was making me more and more nervous but was also making me feel even more guilty. It was hard enough for me to see her still looking at me with that look, not knowing what I've done. I really did ruin everything and she doesn't know it yet. I don't know if I can tell her.

We finished the fence right at 4:30. It was a cute, white picket fence that went around the gardens in the back yard. Taylen had a stone flower garden that she keeps up with and then there's a garden that she plants and decorates, but never picks or weeds. The bugs are kind of a problem for her, and she has allergic reactions if she tries to pick any veggies.

Tay got back at 11:15. We were sprawled out across the living room watching a movie. Jason said that we had helped him enough that we could watch one. I let everyone else argue over which one to watch while I showered. Jason was taking all of us with him to church tomorrow. I made sure that I was completely dirt, sweat, and smell free before I got out. I went into Tay's room to get clean underwear because I forgot to pack any. This is why Momma always packs my bags. It sucks that she's mad at me.

We helped Tay carry in groceries in our underwear now in the 30s because we're gentlemen. Damn, that girl can shop.

"Did you load this all into the cart, onto the conveyor belt, back into the cart, and into the truck by yourself?" Mason asked teasingly.

"Of course not," she replied with a smile but explained nothing.

We were all back in our sleeping spots before long. I waited until everyone had fallen asleep and had been asleep for at least 15 minutes before I dared to get up. Just like I assumed, Taylen was awake. She was sitting at her vanity, painting her nails yellow with white flowers. She was dipping one of them Bobbie pin thingies into the small bottle of polish when I gently knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?" I asked timidly.


"I'm really sorry about earlier," I started.

"Peter, I'm not ready to hear about it right now. You're not even supposed to be in here. Goodnight," she sighed.

"Oh, alright. Night, I guess," I mumbled sadly and went downstairs.

Why can't I get anything right? 

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