Well Played - part 1

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I cross my arms, pouting, the moment I spot Yoon Se Ri, my twin sister on the passenger seat of his boyfriend Ri Jeong Hyeok's car.

Not only because she's late picking me up at the school that evening after a synchronized swimming club practice, but also because Se Ri didn't tell me that our plan for hanging out at the mall includes Jeong Hyeok in it. I'm tired of being the third wheel of this couple and witness their never-ending skinship.

Well, it's Se Ri who can't keep her hands off him, but Jeong Hyeok showers her with sickening sweet nothings I don't want to hear.

Strike that. I want to hear, but from my crush for my ears only.

"I thought we're taking the bus," I get in the backseat, can't hide my annoying tone.

"Hi, Jin Ah. I'm worried that it will be raining so I offered Se Ri a ride," Jeong Hyeok smiles, with his dimple as the peace offering.

"A two-way ride?" I crease an eyebrow.

"Told you what, get yourself a boyfriend from here, Jin Ah. Aren't the boys from the swimming club hot?" Se Ri giggles.

I know, but I can't afford her same old speech about getting myself a boyfriend from the same school over and over again so I simply nod.

"Aren't the boys in the regular swimming club? Jin Ah is in the synchronized swimming one, isn't she?" Jeong Hyeok whispers to her.

Se Ri smiles cheekily, "what's the difference? The boys from the swimming club love to hang out by the pool anyway."

They're half-right. Yes, they're attractive, but who wants to date a school jock? Well, a lot. It's luck that one person stays single so I can secretly be crushing on him without feeling guilty.

Our school's swimming team is one of the best, proved by the high school competition medals they collected. Some names are prominent because of their achievement, some are because of their promising good look-talking about all the muscles and broad shoulders swimmers have- and one has both.

He should have no problem finding someone to date, but he's always been more focused on his future than who to bring to prom.

Once I heard him and Jeong Hyeok talking about a college scholarship offered to him, on his talent and achievement in swimming.

My secret crush I would never admit to anyone, especially Se Ri and Jeong Hyeok.

Why? Because she often hangs out with him. He is one of Jeong Hyeok best friends. They often go to birthday parties held by the popular ones together. Sometimes I go with them too, but I always too shy to initiate a hi.

Surely he knows my name and who I am, but when we cross path at the hall, or even when he accidentally bumped into me that day, he only scooted down and helped me collecting my books with a slight mumble of 'sorry'.

One time, only one time I tried to throw a small smile at him when he and his friends crossed paths with me, it was Jeong Hyeok who smiled back and said, "I'll see you at seven, okay?"

To make it worse, Jeong Hyeok was talking about another third wheel hang out for Seo Dan's birthday party.

And here we are at the shopping mall in town, where Se Ri and I suppose to go shopping for new dresses that will be wear to Dan's party. The dress code is neon, and we take it very seriously.

Because Dan always holds the coolest birthday party. Her parents will invite a DJ, and she boasted about sneaking cocktails disguising as mocktails. If we were to be drunk, Se Ri wants to make sure that the Yoon twins were drunk in style. Neon-style drunk.

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