Destiny's Game - Part 2

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Aly's eyes filled with tears seeing his wife in unbearable pain.They reached the hospital in no time. Doctor took her into labor. Aly was silently praying in his Mind to save his Wife and Baby. Everyone was tensed. After one hour which seemed one decade, came the Doctor. Aly immediately rushed towards him. Doctor passed a smile to him.

Doc: Congratulations Aly. You are the father of a baby girl. Your wife is also perfectly fine. He then left. Aly's happiness knew no bounds. Their parents and friends hugged each other out of happiness. His friends pounced upon him. Aly laughed with tears in his eyes and shouted.
Aly: Did you guys hear I am the father of a baby girl. I can’t wait to see my doll.

Then, the nurse came towards them with a baby wrapped in pink towel. Aly went towards her Smilingly. Nurse gestured him to take the baby. Aly bit his lower lip nervously. Nurse Smiled and nodded at him. Though he was scared to carry the baby, but he wanted to see his baby before anyone. Aly took her in his hands. After seeing her cute sensitive sleeping face his eyes were filled with tears. He madly kissed her face. The baby girl slowly battled her eyes before opening them. After opening them she saw her dad. Instead of crying, she smiled lightly which amazed Everyone and here Aly was going mad with happiness. Though the smile was small but it was there. They say infants don’t smile but she did, he felt it. Aly then noticed a mole on her cheek just like him. He touched it lightly with his index finger. The baby licked his index finger immediately. He once again kissed her madly.

Pankaj was about to touch her cheeks but Aly slapped his hand and said,
Aly: Don’t touch her. My baby is very sensitive. First wash your hands.
Pankaj :Oye sale chup kar, you also didn’t wash your hands.
Aly :Ha toh I am her father, Isliye she won't get any problems from me. Everyone just looked at him with disbelief. Aly and Jasmin's parents also came forward to take baby. But, he asked them to wash their hands too .They are grand parents they, too, wanted to hold their first grandchild​ so they washed their hands. Because Possessive father is not ready to give the baby..

Aly then gave his baby girl to them hesitantly. One by one everybody her with constant Smile on their faces. While Aly was asking them to be careful, everyone just nodded their heads in disbelief.
Then, Aly took his baby in his arms and went towards Jasmin who was smiling with tears. Aly gave her the baby. Jasmin kissed her all over her face.

Jasmin : Aly, what will we name her?
Aly : Alya Aly Goni. Did you like it ?
Jasmin :Yes I loved it. Aly kissed the Baby and Twinkle on their foreheads.
Suddenly, baby started crying. Aly panicked and Shouted.
Aly :Maa.. Doctor..They came running. See, my baby is crying, what happened to her ?(with fear in his eyes) . His mom laughed shaking her head and said,

Aly's mother: Don’t worry beta. She is just hungry. Jasmin feed her .They left laughing.
Now Aly started to yell at Jasmin.
Aly: What are you waiting for? Feed my baby. She is crying. He helped her in feeding the baby. After filling her tummy, baby slept with a pout. Aly smiled and took baby in his arms d started pacing in room..
Jamin: Aly make her sleep in cradle. She is already sleeping, why are you carrying her?
Aly :No no, I want my baby to be in her daddy’s arms. Now She will stay in my arms. I want her to feel my warmth. I want to feel her warmth. My Daughter, My Life. He kissed her forehead.
Jasmin got discharged the next day.

After 20 days..
Today was the Baby's naming ceremony.
Aly was making his baby ready in red dress. Also, Aly carries his baby every time. And whenever Aly takes her in his arms she stops crying. His baby loves him more than anyone it seems. She spends more time with her daddy dear.
Aly brought his baby to living Hall where pandit ji making things for Pooja ready.
Aly's mom: Beta what you want to name your daughter ?
Aly: Alya Aly Goni .My daughter. My Alya, he said with Possessiveness, love and proud. Everyone Smiled and started saying her name in her ears.
Guest: Aww she is soo cute.
Everyone started praising her.
Aly held his mother’s hand andtook her to a room and said,
Aly: Mumma, she said my daughter is very cute. Meri beti ko nazar lag jayegi. Mumma please uski nazar utaro and do something taki usse nazar na lage. (He said panicking) . Agar Meri beti ko nazar lag gayi and stomach pain hua toh she can’t even tell me. She is too small she can’t bare it. Mamma please jaldi kuchh karo .

His mother looked at him shocked. The person who stays away from such things and calls ridiculous is believing them. They says love changes the person. But here, his daughter changed him. His mother Smiled and unhone uski nazar utari and put kala tika on Alya. Sheasked him, ”Happy”?
Aly: Very Happy! And Smiled.

After Five years..
It’s 9:00..
In living room
A cute little baby girl is sitting on a couch with pout. A lady came wearing a blue saree, looking very beautiful. She is none other than Jasmin, and the cute little girl is Alya.
Jasmin: Alya baby have your dinner. Dadda k aane mein deri hojayega.
Alya :Nahi, Mumma. Dadda ke bina mein dinnel nahi kalti. I love my Dadda. I will wait fol him. Jasmin and her grand parents just shook their heads in disbelief. After having dinner they left. Jasmin and Alya were waiting for Aly.

At 11:00 'o clock

*Precap* - Happiness doesn't last long💔

Author's note

Thankyou for all the love on the previous chapter. Didn't expect such a  huge response. Grateful❤
For those who felt that i was rushing with the story, the main plot started in this chapter. Chapter 1 included the basic overview and setting.

The stories are based on complete imagination. Please dont get offended.
Lots of love❤

Next part coming soon!



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