Each Other's Forever

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It was a chilly morning in Toronto. The snowflakes shining all around. Feather-like snow was coming down from the sky, making everything look like heaven.

A small bungalow was shown, fully covered with the snow. A girl was dozing off at the porch, shivering due to the cold. Her whole face was red due to the cold, but she was just interested in her beauty sleep.

Suddenly, a guy of around the same age as her came out of the house. His eyes twinkled with fascination, as he eyed the snow-clad lawn. His chocolate orbs zoomed around the house, before finally landing on a heap, oops sorry, a human..

What the hell!!

He quickly ran towards that girl, shaking her vigorously, only to get a nice handprint on his devilishly handsome face!

” Jasmin Bhasin, get up right now!!!! ” Birds flew off, scared by his high-pitched scream. But, it did nothing to the girl in question.

The guy sighed, disbelief written all over his face. Then without any further thought, he picked her up in bridal style, stumbling a bit due to the snow.

” Pumpkin! What have you been eating ? You weigh more than a ton!!! ” He tried to tease her a bit, but all he got in return was nothing.

Sighing yet again, he moved inside the house towards his room, which proved quite difficult, given the girl in his arms!f

Finally reaching the room, he tried to move her onto the bed. Keyword : tried.

Every time he would try to lay her down, she’ll just groan and snuggle more into him, not at all wanting to leave the warmth.

Having no other option, the guy too slipped under the duvet, pulling her close, making Jasmin smile like a baby. He too smiled, looking at her child-like expressions, and also making sure that she doesn’t feel cold. Having nothing else to do, he also closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

” Aly Goni !! Get up this instant!! ” Jasmin screamed, as Aly bolted up at once, totally shocked by the yell.

” Jasmin ? What happened ? All fine ?! ” Worry was clearly visible in his voice, making Jasmin’s face soften.

” Everything is fine. But, why the hell didn’t you wake me up ?!! Look at the time, Aly Goni! ” Came the loud scream from the mad Jasmin.

” What ?!! That’s my fault too ?!!! Are you freakin’ serious, girl ?! ” Disbelief was clear in his voice, as both gave death glares to each other. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, both sighed.

” No use of shouting over spilled milk. Let’s just get up now. ” Aly shook his head, getting up from the bed.

” Eh, Aly.. what about milk ? We weren’t talking about spilled milk, were we ? ” Jasmin asked, being sceptical.

Aly sweat-dropped, palming his face. When he looked over at the confused girl, his expressions clearly said one thing ; dumb much ?!

” Never mind. You can go and get freshened up, while I prepare some snacks. And… we have some serious talks to do, Ms. Bhasin. ” Giving her a pointed look, he left with a sigh. And all Jasmin could do was just shrug and look at his disappearing figure confusedly.

Jasmin continued humming to herself, happily skipping down the stairs. She had had a long refreshing bath, and was now ready to face trouble.

After reaching the hall, she moved towards the dining area to see Aly Goni totally immersed in his phone. Shaking her head, she went and sat on the chair opposite to him.

JASLY🤍🦁- TALES OF THE HEARTWhere stories live. Discover now