Destiny's Game - Part 3

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At 11:00 clock..

Door bell rang..
Alya who was all sleepy ran towards door hearing the door bell. And with great difficulty, opened the door. On seeing her father, she Smiled broadly and hopped in his arms. Aly had slight tears seeing his little love who loves him more than anyone in this world. He kissed her face madly and asked,
Aly: Baby why did you wait for me? I asked you to sleep na. (Softly while caressing her hairs) Alya kissed his cheeks and said
Alya: How can I sleep without seeing you Dadda. I want to have dinnel with you. I love you Dadda..and made a pout. Aly pecked her pout and said
Aly: I love you too baby.
With that he took her to his room and Freshened up and came to the dinning table along with his daughter. Jasmin served their dinner. She served herself too. Aly was making her eat and kavya also making him eat. Jas Smiled seeing their love for each other.
Then Aly took her to their room. Alya slept over Aly who hugged her tight..
Next day Aly made his daughter eat breakfast and dropped her to the school. Suddenly he remembered that his daughter asked him to take her to exhibition. They had planned to bunk their work and school.
Aly :Shit.. How can I forget my baby's wish! He took his car keys and left for her school.
He went towards her classroom and he was about to ask for Alya but her class teacher asked students a question.
Teacher: Today you will say whom you love the most and why? We will start with Alya. She stood up. Aly was waiting eagerly as he know she will say about him.
Aly: I love my Dadda the most . He is my Supel Hero. I love evlyone in my family. But, My Dadda is the Besht. I love my Dadda mole than anyone. My Dadda plotects me. He cales fol me. I love to spend my time with him. I love my Dadda vely vely much and opened her arms wide showing how much she loves him. Aly had tears in his eyes. Then, he took permission from teacher and took her with him. After coming to car he kissed her and hugged her tightly. She too hugged him and kissed his Cheeks.
Alya: I love you Dadda. I love you more than my life baby. You are my life.
Then he took her to exhibition,followed by a dinner date with his little daughter. They returned home and saw Jasmin puffing in anger. They held their ears and kissed her cheeks and said sorry cutely which melted her anger. Alya slept soon because of tiredness. Jasmin slowly took Alya in her arms and made her sleep on the other side of the bed and came over him and kissed him. Aly too gave in. They adjusted pillows around her. Aly made her lay down on couch. He came over her and took her lips in his and kissed her. Soon he removed their Clothes and claimed her.

Days passed like this. But you know sometimes happiness don't last.
Jasmin was making lunch. Aly was in office discussing something important with his business partners.
Aly: No yaar...I will not be able to come tomorrow. cancel it.
Arjit: why are cancelling such an important meeting?
Aly: My daughter wants to spend her time with me. I promised her.
Arjit: you love her very much?
Aly: More than anything. She is my life.
Punit: When she will marry she will leave you na. Aly suddenly became angry.
Aly :What the hell. She is my life. She will only stay with me forever.
Friends: Arre Aly baba calm down. we are just joking. His mood was totally spoiled.
Just imagine he can't even imagine his daughter staying away from him. He is a father who loves his daughter more than anything. Imagine what happens if suddenly God take's away that daughter away from him forever?
Alya was running down the stairs but suddenly she slipped and rolled down the stairs. Her head hit with the stairs hardly and blood is coming from her head.

Alya :Daddaaaaa. (She fainted)
Aly's mother was in living room and Jasmin was in kitchen when she received a call. She was numb to react. Her eyes filled with tears. Aly's father who was sitting beside her got confused and took the phone. After listening to otherside, he was just crying. He saw Jasmin who was working in kitchen..l He went towards her and said,
Aly'sfather: Jasmin..Let's go to hospital.
Jasmin: Why Papaji?
Father :Woh Alya..She fell from the stairs. She is in hospital. The glass she holding fell from her hands. Aly's father held her and said, Beta please sambhalo apne aap ko. Aly ko ab tak nahi patha. Usko koun samballega .She looked at him and asked,
Jasmin He nodded in no.

She started crying . They went towards car and left to hospital..They are crying continuously..

Aly's mother:Ho...How..... we... wi...will sa....say pa...pagal...ho....ho...Jayega....And they cried more..
They reached there in no time. They didn't have the courage to see Alya isliye they sat there. His father called Arjit and told him the matter.

Here in office Arjit was shocked. His eyes too filled with tears. Everyone was looking at him confused. But he was looking at Aly only. They asked him what is the matter. But he didn’t answered anybody. He knew if he will tell the matter to Aly here, He won't be able to reach hospital. So. he asked everyone to come to apolo hospital. Everyone was now worried.

Aly's Pov: Don’t know why..My heart is becoming heavy. I am feeling ki someone is stabing my heart. God please be with us.

They reached hospital. Jasmin, who saw him, ran towards him and hugged him tightly. Aly was now worried seeing them like that.
Aly: Laila Kya hua..why are you crying baby. She cried more she didn’t have courage to say anything. His father held his hand,took him towards ICU, and showed his daughter who was getting treated. He stood numb on his place. There was no expression on his face. He was just looking at his daughter. His father held his hand and made him sit on chair .He just followed him like a robot. Jasmin came towards him once again, hugged him and started crying loudly. This brought him out of his shock and looked at his sorroundings as if trying to understand is it a Nightmare. When nothing changed, he stood and went towards ICU and looked at his daughter.

*Precap*- Life moves on..with or without you💔


Thankuuu guysss for all the love❤
The next part is gonna be the last part of the story. If anyone has any suggestions for the next story, they are most welcome in the comments or in the chat box. Would love to include them in the further stories.

The story is based on complete imagination.  Please dont get offended.
Much love🤍

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