Chapter Two

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And that was For Tomorrow, the new single from blur. Blur are Damon Albarn, Alex-

"Are you going to do any work today Isabella?" My boss asked, her eyebrows raised as she cut the radio off.

"Sorry, I was a million miles away" I mumbled, smiling up at her. She hummed in disapproval, gesturing over to the table which needed to be cleared.

"Would you mind clearing this table Isabella? Of course not Nancy!" I mumbled under my breath as I started clearing the table from the coffee mugs and plates that had been used.

Out of all of the jobs I'd had recently, and I was currently averaging at a new one each month, this coffee shop just had to be the worst. The boss was stuck up and had no interest in getting to know me, which I just couldn't stand. I loved talking to people, having deep conversations and just getting to know all about someone.

As I walked the plates back to the kitchen I couldn't help but think of today's date. I had been here now for over a month, perhaps it was time for me to quit and move onto, yet another, job.

I sighed as I started cleaning the crockery, I certainly didn't picture myself working like this at the age of 22, but I just couldn't find a job that clicked for me. I'd tried a degree in art, but I couldn't hack it, I wasn't really very good at it and it was all too focused on the history for me. I loved music, but I couldn't sing or play any instrument to save my life. It was times like these that I left completely lost and utterly unskilled. Maybe I'd end up floating from one dead end, minimum wage job to another for the rest of my life. I sighed again, shaking my head to try and get rid of those negative thoughts, maybe I could go and see if the small record shop up the road was looking for anyone.

Thankfully, well not for my payslip, my boss sent me home early. Something to do with having a face like a slapped arse, I couldn't care less though, I was just grateful to get out of that hell hole. As I got on the bus to get home, I subconsciously made the decision that I wouldn't be going back there. It was cash in hand and I'd already been given my wages for the week so I didn't owe her anything, time to go on, yet another, job hunt.

"You're home early" Jasmine exclaimed as I walked into our flat, I threw myself down onto the sofa next to her.

"I've quit" I mumbled into the cushion "She just doesn't know it yet"

"You did what?" She screeched as she grabbed hold of my shoulder and pulled me up "For fucks sake Isabella, you can't have quit another job"

"Nancy was such a bitch" I grumbled, knowing it would take more than that for Jasmine to believe my decision was justified "There's more to life than working in a coffee shop, there's got to be, surely?"

"Of course there is, but fucking hell Iz, how are you meant to pay your rent this month?" She stressed, I tried to flash her a convincing smile.

"I've got the money, I'm not that stupid and I'll find a new job by next week I'm sure" I tried to reassure her and it seemed to work, it didn't take long for a stupid grin to take over her face.

"Still up for those drinks tonight?" She questioned, I laughed as I nodded my head eagerly.

"I'm always up for a drink"

It only took Jasmine about half an hour before she told me not to wait up and disappeared in the wake of some guy. As great as that was for her, it meant it left me alone at the bar. I sighed before quickly taking a gulp of my drink, I had no intention of staying here on my own and there was a share bag of crisps waiting for me at home.

"It's Isabella, isn't it?" I looked up to see a guy, that guy, from the bar a few weeks ago. I smiled as I nodded my head, trying desperately to remember his name.

"Yeah it is, do you wanna sit down?" I responded, gesturing to the seat next to me. He nodded his head, smiling before sitting down next to me. I was grateful for the company, if only I could remember his bloody name.

I quickly finished my drink before looking across at him and smiling. He was just so good looking, every time our eyes met it made me blush ridiculously.

"Bad day?" He asked, laughing as he gestured towards my now empty glass. I laughed loudly, shaking my head.

"It's a long story"

"Well I've got time" He responded, screwing up his nose before letting a small smile take over his lips "let me get you another drink"

One drink turned into three and then into five far too quickly, I had suddenly remembered Graham's name and I had to drop it into the conversation just to make sure it was definitely his name. It was strange, the memories I did have of him from the other night were miles away from how he was being tonight. The conversation between us was flowing easily enough and he seemed far more interested in me and more confident than he was the other night.

"So you're telling me you've quit six jobs in as many months?" Graham laughed loudly, bringing his shoulders up to his ears as he laughed.

"I just can't find anything that I actually enjoy" I shrugged my shoulders, biting down on my lip to try and contain my smile "It all just feels so fucking pointless"

"I don't see why you're so worried, you're what? 24-"

"-Ouch Graham, I'm 22 thank you very much" I gasped as I spoke, putting my hand to my chest in mock hurt.

"Sorry love, but you're 22 so you've hardly got anything to worry about, there's plenty of time for you to work it all out" He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, but I couldn't help but frown at his words.

"It's easy for you to say, let me guess... you're an artist or something, get paid loads for doing not very much" I told him, raising my eyebrows as my eyes scanned over him, he certainly gave me artist vibes.

"Close" He mumbled, his hand scratching at his neck as his eyes darted between myself and his drink "I play guitar actually, I'm in a band"

"Are you really?" I couldn't help but laugh at his words, out of all of the jobs he could've told me I certainly wasn't expecting that. He just came across as so shy and nervous, far too introverted to be in a band.

"Yeah, we're not big or anything" He bit down on his lip, looking up at me nervously before dropping his gaze to his drink "With the guys who I was with before"

"And I bet that blonde knobhead is the lead singer?" I scoffed, Graham laughed loudly, his entire body seeming to relax and his nervous twitches disappear as he let the laughter flow from his lips.

"You're the first girl in quite some time who hasn't taken an instant fancying to Damon" i raised my eyebrows at him, sure Damon was good looking but was he really that good looking?  In my eyes, he didn't have anything on Graham.

"Big egos aren't really my thing" I told him, taking a large sip from my drink before shrugging my shoulders.

Graham nodded his head in agreement, obviously he knew Damon far better than I did, but judging by his reaction I'd managed to judge his character pretty quickly.

"Anyway Mr. I'm in a band, could I get paid for being a groupie for you guys?" I asked him, trying to keep my face dead serious as I rested my chin in my hands. But it didn't take long for me to wriggle my eyebrows suggestively as I laughed loudly.

"No, cause then I think that's what they call prostitution"


Thank you so much for all the love on the previous chapter, it is so appreciated!! Honestly though, we're two chapters in and I'm already in love with Graham and Isabella lol

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