Chapter Five

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"And you must be Isabella" The middle aged man smiled warmly at me, before outstretching his hand for me to shake "I'm Andy"

I aimlessly followed behind him as we went through a maze of corridors, my nerves growing with each step. Sure he seemed lovely but he was yet to see my feeble attempt of a portfolio. Let's just hope he found Graham as pretty as I did.

He burst through a set of double doors and into a busy studio. There were rails of clothes lined up and lots of people running around. I swallowed hard as I sat down at the table he was gesturing to. Surely we weren't going to do the interview here?

I scanned my eyes around the chaotic studio once again and that was when my eyes landed upon him, or rather them. My eyes briefly met with Graham's but I turned my head quickly to Andy, I couldn't be dealing with that right now.

"So Isabella, I've just had a look through your portfolio and I must say that I'm really quite impressed. I especially liked this one" He passed me the open book, a photo of Graham pulling a face being presented to me "And it is really very good if you're already friendly with Graham, he's normally the most difficult to photograph so if he's relaxed around you than that's really good"

"Oh, it's just a coincidence, I didn't even realise that he'd be here" I stuttered out, swallowing hard as I tried to get rid of the nerves "But thank you, I'm really very glad that you liked the photographs"

"I had a list of questions for you, but I'm not too sure I see the point in asking you them, you just seem right for the job" I widened my eyes at his words, was he really saying what I thought he was? "They're leaving for Switzerland next week, where they'll then be travelling to Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, Japan the US as well as around the UK"

I nodded my head slowly, I'd always wanted to travel around but that sounded like a lot of travelling.

"They've got 73 shows between May and December, the pace really picks up between October and November" I nodded my head again, that was a lot "So you'll need to be willing to be on the road with us for all of that time"

"Yes of course, I have no commitments here so I can be away for as long as needed" I told him, the nerves slowly starting to settle away to excitement instead.

"That's good, and you'll be up when the band get up and going to bed when they do, so your days off will only be when they have time off" I nodded my head once again "You'll be expected to take photos of them all of the time, apart from when they're on stage or having professional photo shoots taken as there will be different videographers and photographers for that. Your role is to basically get all of the behind the scenes, backstage and on the road photographs"

"That all sounds perfect to me" I told him, though I wasn't entirely sure that was the truth.

Could I work alongside Graham? We'd hadn't seen each other since we spend the night together, but we had spent the majority of the next day together. Eating, drinking and just wandering around the city. I really really liked him and I wasn't sure if working with him would just jeopardise everything.

"We'll give you a £300 budget to choose a camera and any equipment you need and when we're on the road all of your accommodation and living costs will be paid for. You'll be paid the same monthly salary, regardless of how many days you work"

I was given a contract to sign before I could even really think about it properly. As I returned the signed paper to him, I tried not to overthink it too much. I had no reason not to take it, I had successfully blagged myself this far and the rest, should be easy now.

"Izzy, how are you?" Graham asked, he had wandered over to me as soon as Andy had left me.

"You didn't tell me it was your band" I stated, putting my hands on my hips as I raised my eyebrows at him. He looked up at me with a small smile on his lips, before dropping his gaze down to his shifting feet.

"I'm sorry Iz" He sighed before looking back up at me, his hand subconsciously scratching at the back of his neck "I wanted to tell you when you showed me the advert, but I didn't want to put you off"

"A heads up would've been nice though Graham" I shook my head before laughing lightly "I felt like a right creep giving what, your boss? A folder filled with photos of you"

"I'm sure he loved it, I'm pretty sure I'm his favourite anyway" A smirk came over his face as our eyes met "Besides, does that mean I get you for company for the next few months?"

"Well it's not too late for me to tell Andy that I've changed my mind" I laughed as I spoke, as uneasy as I might be feeling about the job, it meant I'd be spending time, a lot of time, with Graham and that couldn't really be a bad thing.

"You wouldn't" He retorted, pouting his lips as he raised an eyebrow.

"Wouldn't I?" I challenged, though my laughter got in the way "No, I wouldn't, the pay's too good"

"All I'm saying darling, is that if you're touring with us than you need to get your alcohol tolerance up" Alex rambled, passing another pint my way, I shook my head, sliding the glass back to him.

Graham and Alex had insisted that I joined them for some drinks, celebratory drinks for my new job. Damon wasn't overly keen on me joining them but the others insisted so much that he gave up, after a huff and a roll of his eyes.

"No no no" Graham laughed, sliding the pint along the table to me again "Just drink it, you've only had two drinks"

I groaned, before taking a sip from the glass. Pulling a face as the bitter liquid hit my mouth, scowling at the laughter erupting from Alex and Graham's lips.

"I don't even like beer" I mumbled, trying my best to keep a straight face. Though my slightly fuzzy head and the contagious laughter from the others was making that difficult "If you ask me, drinks should be sugary, fruity and not taste anything like alcohol"

"Well no ones asking you" Alex announced, I screwed my face up at him, rolling my eyes but not being able to stop myself from laughing.

"Piss off" I scoffed, taking another unpleasant sip from the drink "This just tastes like cat piss"

"Do you ever stop complaining?" Damon quizzed, his blue eyes glaring across at me "You didn't even pay for it so quit your whinging"

"Don't start being a tosser Damon" Graham warned, each of them sending a look to one another before Graham excused himself.

"You mean, he's ever stopped being a twat?" I asked, gasping loudly before letting a smug smile come over my mouth.

"You're such a bitch" He scowled, I just laughed loudly, raising my eyebrows before winking at Damon when our eyes met.

"Tell me something I don't know"

Thankfully, it wasn't long before Graham reappeared with a tray of drinks. Wiggling his eyebrows at me, before laughing and placing two cocktails in front of me.

"The good thing about cocktails is that they're always on a two for one" I laughed at his words, before placing my hand on his thigh once he sat back down next to me.

"Thank you, I appreciate it" I whispered in his ear, daring to place a quick kiss onto his cheek whilst the others were distracted in their conversations.

"It's okay, besides, we couldn't have you drinking a drink you didn't like all evening"

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