〖🌸〗𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝟏𝟐 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐒 ° ミ ♡︎

201 11 2

♡ Chapter created on 5/14/2021 , released on [ INSERT CURRENT DATE ] ♡

; ♡⋆.ೃ࿔* ༄ؘ ;; Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in the sky known as, well, the sky kingdom. Named after the ruler of the kingdom, Queen skyra. The queen had a single son, but was never named. The kingdom inhabitants were called Irotori, which is a subspecies of angel. The kingdom unfortunately lacked in technology. However, they thrived in basically everything else. One thing they thrived in, was magic. Magic fuels *everything* in the sky kingdom. More accurately, the color crystal did. The color crystal is named after Queen Skyra's late husband, King Coloran, who passed away during a war between a rivaling kingdom, The Dull World. And, it's named "The Color Crystal" for another reason, it contained every color inside of it, giving everything it's color. Because of the colors contained within it, elements are given substance. And not just elements, basically everything that exists has substance, and can exist because of the color crystal. The entirety of the universe depends on the color crystal to give it substance, otherwise, it'd all be colorless mush. Every 1000 years, the color crystal would shed a thin layer of it's outer shell, causing an aurora borealis-like rainbows in the night sky. On one of those nights, 12 Irotori were hired by Queen Skyra to work upon the castle. All of them worked on different sections of the castle, some worked on the first story, some on the second, third, fourth, fifth, it goes on and on. One fateful starry night, one of the maidens were atop one of the castle's many tower's. While one if the maidens was dusting off the railing to the balcony, the maiden lost her balance and slipped over the railing. Luckily, One of the other Maidens who worked on the 4th floor got on the balcony on time to catch them. And the 2 Maidens have been close friends ever since, they were never seen a part. Rumors spread that they were planning to get engaged, but it was never confirmed. And the same goes for all the other Maidens. Acts of kindness to one another, or more extreme situations like the on we have just touched on. Those little interactions have brought them together closer than anything else. 1 year later, all 12 Maidens were to meet up at the throne room, where Queen Skyra informed them of the situation. The Sky Kingdom was under attack by The Dull World, a kingdom that lived on a secluded area on Earth in another dimension, and they wanted the Color Crystal to themselves in order to over throw the Sky Kingdom and spread Despair throughout the three worlds (The Sky Kingdom, This world's earth, and their earth). And so, the creation of the Red-Rainbow Era weapons were created. War weapons taking the shape of Wands, Potions, Pens, Lockets, Brooches, some crafted with the previous sheddings of the Color Crystal. The 12 Maidens were given these weapons, and was sent out to fight, and the Queen and Prince was sent to somewhere safe. However, there were special wands, Known as the Ela-Wands, which harvested Elemental abilities related to real, and psychological phenomenons. Some examples would be Electric, Fire, Ice, Air, Water, Light & Darkness, Nature, Rock/Grass, Love, Hate, and the list goes on. If touched by a Magic User, they can activate a new form, making them the soul embodiment of that certain element. However, all this pent up energy has a time limit. It has to release onto something within 10 minutes, or it will release it's energy onto it's harvester. And this is what happened to one of the Maidens, k//lling them. However, despite this loss, the Maidens had to push on if they were going to win. The 12 Maidens put up against a great fight against the enemy, something happened that both helped, and hurt the Maidens. Albeit unintentional. The Queen's son, snuck out and returned to the Sky Kingdom to help the 11 remaining maidens, trying to act as a replacement for battle after they lost one of the primary soldiers. With the prince now on their side and fighting, this was a tremendous boost in hope for the Maidens. However, this hope didn't last forever. During battle, the prince got lost in a forest on The Dull World while the Maidens were still on the Sky Kingdom, and was turned into a White cat with Multi-Colored fur on it's chest. Queen Skyra was quick to discover what happened to her only son, which left her in a state of despair. Taking this opportunity, The Dull World made an attack on the entirety of the kingdom. They dropped a despair bomb, which destroyed a large majority of the kingdom, k//lling the remaining Maidens. However, the now-cat had one final idea. He returned home to search for his Mother, who was heavily wounded when the explosion hit. He requested of his mother to create a portal to the Clock Room, a room with nothing but a grandfather clock atop clouds, and a large golden-rimmed table in the shape of a heart. The room was locked away when the King died. Queen Skyra complied with the cats request, and using the last of her power, opened the portal. The white cat dashed off to collect the Maiden's corpses and placed them inside the grandfather clock in the Clock Room, and used his own power to send the Maiden's bodies forward in time, allowing them to be reincarnated into what we know today as Team Rainbow. However, something happened to the Color Crystal. With no more magic, the Crystal just... Disappeared. And the portal that lead to the Clock Room has closed, and so, The Dull World couldn't get the Crystal, leaving them having to wait thousands, and thousands of years to have a chance. And the color crystal has the power to restore the Sky Kingdom, and so, Team Rainbow has to find the Color Crystal before the dull world does, and having to fight off the foes that the Team encounters along the way.

༄ signed by your local aspiring magical girl, Maddie ♡

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