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best friend obligations

real life !

        George had been in the car for five minutes tops and she had already given into his relentless begging.

He had claimed that it wasn't his fault he forgot to have coffee that morning and she should take pity on a poor, colorblind little man like himself. ( he didn't phrase it quite like that, but Evelyn can read between the lines ) so she bought him a coffee and told him she didn't want to hear another complaint from him since he was the one forcing her to go on his date.

"who are you even meeting up with? Niki?"

He shook his head, wincing as the scalding coffee burnt his tongue. "No, just Wilbur. I've told you about him, right?"

"you might've mentioned him before, but I don't really remember."

"he's the one that sent me that love letter once," he replied. "I know you remember that. You thought it was cute."

Her eyes widened when she realized she knew who he was talking about. "oh! I remember him! Oh my god, that was the cutest thing ever...wait. The guy you're going on a date with to Pizza Hut is the same guy who wrote you a love letter? Gogy, I know you're new to this whole relationship thing, but I kinda feel like this is a step backwards in the romance department. I cannot believe this is the guy you're abandoning your sugar daddy for—,"

"actually, Dreams helping me and Wilbur scam twitter, so if anything he's enabling this."

"huh," she said, glancing over at the boy who was nonchalantly staring out the window. "you think you know a guy."

"anyways, I don't think you should be so harsh to judge the place we're going to because technically Wilbur asked Clay out to this specific Pizza Hut and we decided it would be funny to prank twitter...however, I am a little hesitant to go through with it. It's kinda mean."

"don't tell me you're getting cold feet now!? After I already went out of my way to drive you here? Come on, George. You pretty much have to go through with it now."

He shrugged, taking another sip of his coffee. "maybe. I was thinking we could just take pictures together and leave—,"

"Wait. You're going on a date with this guy just to take a picture and dip? Gogs...come on. Have some class. At least buy the poor, lovesick boy dinner."

"one," he started, holding up a single finger. "this is a joke. A prank. We're scamming twitter, not going on a real date. Two," another finger up, "you did not go out of your way to take me here, your house is literally ten minutes away. Three, and this is my final point, phrasing it the way you did makes it sound like this trip is a lot more scandalous than it really is."

"no, it doesn't."

"it does, actually."

"how would you know, George? The most scandalous thing you've ever done is show your shoulders—,"

"that's not true!"

"oh, forgive me Gogy. Was it just your collarbone?"

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, w.sootWhere stories live. Discover now