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fancy shoes

real life !

It was safe to say Evelyn had been having a pretty crappy few days. Her neighbors were in the middle of getting a divorce and their fighting had kept her up for the past three days. The endless amount of homework and the beginnings of a cold didn't seem to be helping the situation in the slightest.

So when Sal called her and asked her if she could cover for him today, she very nearly wanted to say she couldn't.

But she didn't. And her pounding head and heavy eyes hated her for it.

"aww, someone's sleepy," a familiar voice cooed softly.

Evelyns head shot up, eyes widening when she realized she had dozed off on the counter.

After a few seconds of blankly staring at the grinning boy in front of her, her mind finally processed that she knew him and she really got lucky that it was Wilbur that caught her sleeping on the job and not a random customer.

"long night?"

Evelyn shrugged, moving to rest her hand on her fist. "something like that. I didn't expect to see you here again, Wil."

He mirrored her stance, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. "what can I say? I enjoy your company."

She playfully narrowed her eyes at him, earning her a goofy grin in return.

"I was in the area," he offered, shrugging lazily. "but my previous statement still stands. How have you been?"

"eh, been better. My neighbors are fighting a shit ton so I haven't been sleeping very good. I also think i'm getting a cold, but I think that's just the universes way of telling me that hate me. How have you been?"

"Bored. Just been creating a country and fighting for independence and also writing music."

"that doesn't sound boring to me," she laughed, raising a brow at him. "I didn't know you wrote music."

He nodded, "yup! I sing, too!"

"how could gogy not tell me that? That's so rude, oh my god. I'm going to have words with him later, I can promise you that."

Wilbur only smiled at her, "I find it funny you didn't ask about the whole country and independence thing."

Evelyn waved him off. "i'm more worried about the fact that you write music and sing and I didn't know."

"to be fair, this is only the third time we've ever talked, and the other two times weren't exactly us getting to know each other. It's not a big deal that you didn't know."

"it is," she insisted. "Gogy should have told me that I was meeting a famous musician! I would have worn my fancy shoes!"

Wilbur then pressed his cheek against the glass of the counter, arms folding over his head.

"you're embarrassing," he said, voice muffled.

"no, I think the word you're looking for is supportive."

He propped his head up again after she poked his forehead. "fancy shoes is equivalent to support?"

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, w.sootWhere stories live. Discover now