The Kids pt2

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Okay I'm adding two more kids and that'll be it for now

Okay I'm adding two more kids and that'll be it for now

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(But with green highlights)

Usagi Midoriya

Age: 14

Quirk: Rabbit/ ????
Usagi has the attributes and the abilities of of rabbit. Which means he has awesome leg strength to jump and kick. Some kicks powerful enough to break through solid objects like rock and stone.

Parents: Rumi and Deku

Personality: He has no problem standing up to almost anyone (except his mom and dad). He's very head strong and never backs down from a fight. He loves to train and spar on downtown, especially with his dad. Stubborn, but caring when it matters.

 Stubborn, but caring when it matters

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(With Green highlights)

Nerai Midoriya

Age: 13

Parents: Mei and Deku

Quirk: Zoom/ ????
Like his mother, his quirk allows him to make his vision zoom in on whatever is in his line of sight. If he really focuses, he can see things as far as five kilometers. Unlike his mother, he uses his quirk for combat. He uses Zoom to hone in on targets with bow and arrows. He's an archer!Archer!

Personality: He is very energetic like his mom. Also like his mom, he loves to invent, but like his dad, he loves to be part of a fighting team. He likes to show off his new invention and he's pretty good at it (if they don't blow up). He likes to make upgrade with his arrows to increase his usefulness it battle.

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