Ch.1 Meet the Kids pt. 1

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We live in a world where "quirks", superhuman abilities that a can possess, are commonly found around the world. This story was just about a kid who became the #1 hero, but it kind of derails from that just a little. This is the story of how the future #1 hero met his kids.

It was a peaceful day in Musutafu, Japan, as we journey to UA, the top hero school. We go to the dorms of Class 1-A. Everyone is sitting around doing their own thing. Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Satou were playing Super Smash Bros, on the tv.
Ojiro, Shouji, Tokoyami, and Dark Shadow were playing cards. Kouda was hanging with bird by the window and Aoyama was marveling himself in a personal mirror. Todoroki was eating cold soba. Mineta was wrapped up in Sero's tape because he got caught trying to creep on Momo while Iida was constantly lecturing him. The girls: Momo, Mina, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Jirou, and Tooru were sitting togther in a group chatting amongst themselves. Now I know you see we have a couple of key characters missing. Well...

Bakugou: DEKU!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!

There's Bakugou stomping down the stairs looking for his old friend/ rival.

Bakugou: Have any of you extras seen Deku anywhere?!!

Sero: I think he got permission to take Eri to an amusement park or something.

Bakugou: Grrrr!!! When he agreed to be a goddamn parent, I didn't think it'd get in the way of training!!

Mineta: (still wrapped up in tape) You know we're also here too to be heroes. You could train with us too.

Bakugou walks up to wrapped up Mineta, holding him up by his collar and popping a few explosions from his hand.

Bakugou: As much as I would like to drag your perverted ass through concrete and pavement until you're nothing but fucking grapes and ashes... I would like a challenge you filthy basterd!

At that moment, Mineta shat his pants and was immediately dropped to the floor. Bakugou, annoyed already, decided to head back upstairs.


Kaminari: What a wonderful bromance.

Bakugou: (from upstairs) FUCK YOU PIKACHU!!!

A few people snickered while others just sweatdropped from the whole ordeal. Bakugou would never admit it out loud, but he truly admires Izuku as a friend and rival. He's too edgey for that. Now the classmates started talking amongst themselves.

Sero: Kinda piggy backing off of what Bakugou said, Midoriya has been taking real good care of Eri.

Kirishima: Dude! Midobro literally ran to the Cafe when she was really hungry!

Shouji: And the time she scraped her knee and started to cry and he immediately ran her to the nurse.

Todoroki: (monotone) Or the time she had a nightmare and he instantly ran to her aide and stayed the night watching over her.

Kaminari: Dudes been in Daddy Mode. I can respect it. Who ever the lucky lady is to bag 'em sure got a keeper.

The table of girls from 1-A were met with blushes on their faces. They all have crushes on our favorite green haired hero. They used to poke fun with a particular round-face heroine, but after getting to know him better, they've all fallen to love bug.

Toru at first didn't feel anything towards the green hero. She felt he really nerdy and his mumbling was weird. Because of her quirk being invisibility, she started to feel unnoticed by everyone. She was starting to feel bad a out herself, until a certain green haired boy sat next to her. He told her he could sense something wrong. She told him how she felt and how she's starting to not feel special. She just felt invisible to the world. Midoriya, being the hero that he is, told her that she's not invisible to this world and he can see her just fine and that she does matter. And if she ever feels like she doesn't, just know that he will always think she matters and special. Just like that, her heart began to flutter. An instant infatuation happen and all she could is herself married to the green haired hero. Though part of her infatuation is also leading to a bit of lust. Let just say Midoriya isn't completely alone in the shower when he think he is.

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