Ch 1: Meet the Kids Pt.2

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So here we are. Inside the living room of the dorms of Class 1-A are the kids of the future sitting on the couch. In front of them are Shoto Aizawa, Principal Nezu, All Might, and class 1-A (minus Midoriya).

All the future kids (except Sozo who is calm and Usagi who is pissed) were sitting there nervous. They knew every single person in front of them, but they all felt that they shouldn't say anything less altering the timeline. In front of them were curious students, a curious bone man, a smiling chimera principal sipping tea, and a tired guy using his quirk on them just in case they try anything. Everyone was quiet until Nezu spoke up.

Nezu: Hmm... What do you think Aizawa? Non-threatening?

Aizawa: I feel nothing threatening from them. They seemed to be average teens.

Aizawa deactivates his quirk and began to talk in a stern manner.

Aizawa: Alright. I need one and only one of you to speak for the rest of you for now.

Sozo takes a small sigh and raises his hand knowing that, as of right now, he is the only calm and rational one.

Sozo: That would be me sir.

Aizawa: Good. Now I have some questions for you to answer and don't try to cut corners.

Sozo: I'll do my best.

All Might: Such manners.

Sozo: Thank you. I was raised well by my mother of course.

Sozo takes a quick glance at Momo and looks away. Momo just has a confused look on her face.

Aizawa: Where did you all come from?

Sozo: Honestly, if I told you, you wouldn't believe me.

Aizawa: Shoot.

Sozo: We are from the future.

Everyone just looks at him puzzled.

Aizawa: ... I don't believe you.

Sozo: I figured, but it is most definitely the truth. We are from the year 2XYY. This guy here (pointing at Nerai) with the pink hair brought all of us here as part of an experiment.

Mina: Woah thats so cool! So you guys are future kids. How are things like in the future?!

Sozo: Eh. Pretty quiet. The heros usually have everything taken care of, but every so often there are pretty cool things to happen.

Aizawa: So you're telling me that thing sitting in front of the dorms is a time machine?

Sozo: That is correct sir.

Nezu: You wouldn't mind if we had a few people look around and analyze it would you?

Sozo looked at his brother Nerai, who flashed him a smile and thumbs up.

Sozo: Sure. It's no problem at all.

Nezu: Splendid. Thank you for the permission! I have complete trust in these kids.

All Might: I agree. He doesn't really look like he would tell a lie.

Aizawa: Hmph. Okay. Next question. What are all of your names?

Sozo: Thats easy to answer, but would you mind if we all introduced ourselves?

Aizawa: Sure. I see no problem.

Sozo looked at his siblings and gave them nod. Hopefully they can follow his example. So he stands up.

Sozo: My name is Sozo. (Takes a bow). Its a pleasure to meet all of you.

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