Ch.3: There's No Way!!

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Midoriya was starting to come to. He felt like he was he was hit with a ton of bricks all at once. Trying to get his senses back, he remembered coming back on campus, dropping Eri off to Mirio, and then coming back to the dorm. After it's a blank. Thinking harder as he his eyes are closed, he remembered a black hair kid who looked just like him saying he was his dad. That can't be right. Had to be a dream.

Midoriya: There was no way that guy said I was dad.

Sozo : Actually. I did say that.

Snapping out of his daze, Midoriya looks around to see he is in his dorm room and sitting in a chair across the way was the black hair kid from before.

Sozo: Hello Father. How are you feeling?

Midoriya: Huh??!! Why do keep calling father?!!

Sozo: Because you are my father.

Midoriya: But you look almost my age!!!

Sozo: I'm actually from the future. I came here from the future with my siblings.

Midoriya: Future???!!!! And there is more of you??!!!! This can't be real!!!

Sozo: Oh dear. Hold on Father. I'll get Mr. Aizawa.

As Sozo left, Midoriya began to freak out again. This can't be real! There's no way he could be a dad! Let alone have other kids! Someone's gotta be pulling a prank on him. Maybe it's Kaachan? No. Kaachan wouldn't do something like this. Maybe Kaminari or Mineta?! No. They couldn't come up with something like this. No offense to them. "Think Izuku Think!!"
As he continued to ponder to himself, Aizawa walked in.

Aizawa: Ah. Problem Child. You are awake.

Midoriya: Sir! What's going on?! Why does that kid keep calling me father?!! And what about the others?!! Is this a prank or something?!! And...!!

He kept going on and on and on and on until Aizawa couldn't take it anymore. He wrapped Midoriya up all the to his mouth with his scarf.

Aizawa: If you can shut up for 5 seconds I can start explaining everything to you. Understand?

Midoriya nodded his head in agreement and was let go by his teacher. He sat on the bed as Aizawa sat on the chair facing him.

Aizawa: Okay. Let me get you up to speed. That kid and the other kids that you saw are from the future. They had claimed that in the future, you are their father, and, from what I heard from the black haired one, you are damn good hero.

Midoriya: How good?

Aizawa: Apparently you end up being #1.

Midoriya: Seriously?!!

Aizawa: Right? Too good to be true. I still wasn't sure about the kids identities , so I had you take a paternity test.

Midoriya: How if I was unconscious?!

Aizawa: You drool when you sleep.

Midoriya: Oh uh s-sorry.

Aizawa: Whatever. Anyway. I took your spit sample to Recovery Girl and had all the kids get their mouth swabbed too. She ran the test and sure enough, they are yours.

He couldn't believe it. He's a dad. He's a dad to a bunch of children he just met. What would his mom think.

Inko, sitting down watching TV.

Inko: Huh. I have this strange feeling of happiness now and I don't know why. Hmm. I'll call Izuku later.

Who is he kidding. She would probably be happy. Processing everything going on, Midoriya realizes that he has multiple kids. Which mean in the future he's not a virgin. Not only that, he's at least had sex a few times in his life. Some bonus thoughts to think about.

Midoriya: Mr. Aizawa this is all so new and hitting me out of nowhere.

Aizawa: Believe me kid. This is not something that happen everyday. Or at all.

Midoriya: Okay. Okay. So I've come to terms that I have kids from the future. Still weird saying it, but it now imprinted in my mind. I only really saw 2. The one that was in here with me and the one that glopped me before I passed out. How many are there?

Aizawa: There are eight kids.

Midoriya: Okay. When I leave out of here, I'll be seeing eight kids. Okay. This is crazy, but I'm fine. Still freaked out but fine. Have they told you who there mom is? Or do you guys still have to look for her?

Aizawa: Mom?

Midoriya: Yeah. Who's the mom. I m-mean I'm never a choosy person sir. I think it maybe be U-Uraraka. I'm not gonna lie sir, I have a crush on her. Geesh this is embarrassing to say. Plus those kids look close in age so I'm guessing they are back-to-back siblings so...

Aizawa: Oh shit. He didn't tell you.

Midoriya: Tell me what?

Aizawa prepared for the worst. He gently wrapped Midoriya back in his scarf and covered his mouth because he know his problem child get freaked out over crazy news and this might blow his mind.

Aizawa: Problem Child. What I'm about to tell you will be shocking to you, so I wrapped you up in my scarf because I don't trust your reactions. This is for your safety and mine. Mostly me because I love my ears and I can't take your screaming anymore. Do I make myself clear.

Midoriya could only nod. It can't be that serious right?

Aizawa: Midoriya. Those kids are your kids, but they do not have the same mom. They all have different mothers.

Midoriya: Hmm.

Aizawa: Each of those kids belong to a classmate of yours. In other words, those kids belong to Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, Ashido, Asui, Hakagure, Jirou, and Hatsume.

There was an awkward silence between the two for about 10 seconds.

Aizawa: Huh? You took that better than I-

Midoriya: (MUFFLED SCREAMING!!!!!!)

He then passes out from the news that he bedded his classmate. Aizawa puts him down on his bed and starts to squeeze the bridge of his nose. They don't pay him enough for this.

Aizawa: Kid wake up!

He throws water on his face and Midoriya wakes up frantic.

Midoriya: Sir I promise you I don't ever think of that!

Aizawa: Of what?

Midoriya: Of being some type of p-p-p-p-player! I didn't even know I could get a girl!! Let alone my classmates!!

Aizawa: I know that problem child! Look. I thinks it's best that you talk to them. They've been waiting for this entire time. They can explain everything better than anyone.

As he was about to leave, he looked at Midoriya with his usual blank stare.

Aizawa: And hurry up.  I don't have all day.

Midoriya was now left in his room. He has kids, who are from the future, who are children of his females classmates, who some how in the future know they are all related and don't care. Why did they agree to this and what does this mean? He doesn't know. Did they like him? Woah. That'll be nice! But I gotta focus. He gotta out of bed and to his door.

Midoriya: Okay. Let's see where this goes.

Next Chapter down! I know this seems a little short from how I usually write, but I kind of wanted to keep this part in its own separate chapter.

See ya guys next time!!!!

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