Chapter 2

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"M-Matt?" I stuttered. I hadn't spoken for so very long.

He pulled his head up and shouted something. Two athletic looking women tossed ropes over the edge and Matt tossed over another. They slid down. Matt reached the bottom and walked over to me. He stared at me for a second before kneeling down and hugging me.

"M-Matt." I murmured.
"Shhhhh." He cooed. I pushed my face into his neck, tears forming in my eyes.
"You're really here?" I whispered.
"Yes." He answered. I shut my eyes, tears slipping down my cheeks. Matt called to someone above him, and a larger, thicker rope was thrown down with a stretcher-type thing attached to the end.

Matt carried me over to it, as I couldn't stand. He laid me down gently, making sure I was comfortable. My eyes started to flutter shut. The bright light shone down on me, it burned, I hadn't felt light and warmth for so long.

I didn't enjoy feeling this vulnerable. So helpless. I shut my eyes fully, letting my body finally rest.


"AH!" I shot up. I was in a smallish room with a bed and monitors. It looked very clean, and shone a bright white. I realised I must be in hospital.

I threw the covers off myself, revealing a light bluey-greeny gown. This was so embarrassing. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and jumped down. Only to promptly fall flat on my face.

"WHY DO MY LEGS NOT WORK?!" I shouted. A nurse came rushing into the room suddenly, looking flustered.
"I see you have woken up." She told me with a smile.
"Evidently." I answered. She seemed put off by my attitude. I didn't really care.
"Where's Matt?" I asked, managing to get up by hauling my self up using the bed as a rail.
"I-I can get him now, sir." She said. She just kept standing there.
"Go on then!" I half-shouted. She gave a start, then hurried away.


After awhile, I had decided to sit on the edge of the uncomfortable bed. Matt still hadn't turned up. The hospital staff had taken all my stuff. My gun, my watch, my coat, my illegal cola (that I keep on me for... experimental reasons) and my phone. I was pretty much stuck in here. Wait... am I even wearing pants?! I quickly checked, discovering that I do indeed have pants on. I guess boxers will just have to do for now.

Where could they be hiding my clothes? All that was in the room, other then the bed and monitors (which I had turned off, unnecessary waste of electricity) was a small wardrobe-type thing. Bingo. I opened it to find more hospital gowns. Why would they even have those in here?? We really needed more funding for this hospital. I laughed to myself. Funding from where? The Red Leader himself? I laughed harder. It was such a stupid thought.

Finally, I started to hear footsteps. They opened the locked door leading to my room, letting themselves in. It was Matt. My best friend.
"You look rough." He said.
"I wonder why that would be?" I answered, a smile growing across my face.

Life was pretty awful. The Red Army had taken over, forcing the rebels to form something that we call 'The Revolution'. It was tough, trying to live alright out here. We had lost many, even Tom. He had been kidnapped by the Army, and his mind was twisted to believe their lies. But with Matt, life seems a little brighter. I had been through many rough patches. Matt had always helped me out. I didn't understand how he was so happy.

"Would you like to know the recent stats sir?" Matt asked.
I burst out laughing.
"Sir?!" I said.
"That's what everyone else calls you." He shrugged.
"Yeah, but you know that you don't have to call me that." I told him, "I don't even particularly like it when everyone else calls me sir."
"Ok." Matt replied, "So what should I say instead?"
"Oh, well, I don't know, maybe my name?" I answered, still laughing slightly.
"Ok, Edd." Matt smiled.

I smiled back. This felt like the first time in a while someone had spoken to me humanely. It was nice.

Suddenly, a nurse bustled back into the room with a doctor following close behind him.
"We're here to check you up and make sure you're comfortable." The nurse said warmly.

I stared at him.
"I'm fine." I said to him.
"I'm sure you are, we're just making sure." The nurse replied, a smile still spread across his face.

I glanced at his name tag. "Simon" it read.

The doctor stepped forward.
"My name is Dr Holbrook, but you can call me Lynda, if you would like." She told me, "We're going a run a few tests to make sure you're healthy, and then you can leave, as you obviously want to."

She seemed more serious than Simon, more uptight, but perceptive. I grew a liking to her immediately.

"Will it be quick?" I asked.
"I can assure you, it will." Dr Holbrook answered.

As Simon walked round to the other side of my bed, he said,
"I'll just check the monitor-", he paused. "Ah."
"What seems to be the problem?" Dr Holbrook asked, whilst she checked round the back of my head for injuries. I was very uncomfortable with this.
"They're unplugged." Simon said.
"Well, plug them back in!" Dr Holbrook said frustratedly.

Looking around the room, I noticed that Matt had left. Of course it was necessary, this place won't run itself, but I was a little sad that he had disappeared.

Simon and Lynda (as I have decided to call her) kept bustling around the room, checking me over.

"So, what are you here for?" Lynda asked. I know that she already knew full well why I was there, but I guess I'll tell her anyway.

I explained my story. It sounds quite tragic when you talk about it again. Huh.

"So, Edd. Can I call you that?" Lynda asked me.
"Err, sure?" I answered.
"We've found something. Would you like to hear the good news or the bad news?"

I never saw the point in putting off something.

"The bad news."

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