Chapter 3

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"We've found some internal bleeding." Lynda told me, a grimace on her face.

"Could be worse."
"Not with the right treatment."
"Soooooo good by tomorrow? Day after?"

"Edd," She said, looking at me intensely, "Even after we've got rid of it, you'll need to stay here for extra care. And we'll have to check how that noggin of yours is doing emotionally."
"I'm fine-"
"You're not."

I paused, just slightly glaring at her. After a moment I murmured, "And there's nothing I can do about it."
"No." She answered, a plain look on her face.
"Who'll run this place?" I asked

"Matt I suspect." She said, "Now, you'll be put into surgery to stop the bleeding. It seems that it has been going on for a while, so there may also be old clots that we'll have to inspect. You will then have to take medication for a while. Even after that, you'll still be here because we'll have to regularly check in on your health. No work either, you need to rest."

"Bollocks." I murmured.

"But," I heard her voice again, "The good news is you're not dead. Ta-da! Have hope. Don't give up yet."

"I haven't bloody given up, now start this 'treatment' so I can get out of this damn bed!"

"What I get for being nice..." she muttered, distinctly rolling her eyes.


Unknown strangers and unknown doors flashed by me as I was wheeled down a corridor to the operating room.

"Do I really need to go by lying down in this bed? And do we really need to go this fast? I can walk for God's sake!" I practically shouted, nonsense babbling out of my mouth.
"Mr Godden, I'm not going to tell you again, please be quiet!" A doctor said exasperatedly.
I gave an irritated huff, but finally hushed. I guess the anaesthesia was kicking in.

My eyes finally started to flutter close as I started to lose all sense of my body.

"Hmmmmfffffppppphhhhh . . ."


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