T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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A/N: Rules and story plot in the original Hogwarts stories/movies do not always apply in this fic.


The days y/n was in the hospital wing I'd go visit her as much as possible. Every time class would end I'd rush to see her for a few seconds to make sure she was still there.

On the second to last day she was in the hospital wing I missed class and went home. I apparated to the spot Blaise, Theo and I had landed when we walked towards the cemetery to find y/n.

I walked towards my sisters grave and sat next to it, letting myself lean on the side of her tombstone.

"Hey there Lyra, how are you doing today," I asked.

I waited before talking again to make it feel as if she was at least listening.

"I had a slow day too...y/n gets released tomorrow, we still haven't found a place to practice either, hopefully, it's soon, I want to be prepared if an attack happens, I want to be able to protect y/n," I said.

I heard nothing but a whistle from the wind.

"She's wonderful really, might be a bit mental when it comes to doing what she believes is right but wonderful... I know I'm doing the right thing, but would our parents think the same?" I asked.

"Mother told us about our aunt, how she was burned off the family tree and disowned for siding with the good, they wouldn't do that to me, would they? I'm their son... but then so was aunt Andromeda, she was their daughter" I said.

"I know father would disown me, but mother? She wouldn't, would she? If only I knew whether Andromeda was alive or not, maybe she could help me with this" I said.

I sat there quietly looking back at her grave.

"I can't believe you told y/n about little bug -I laughed silently- that's embarrassing Lyra, knowing her she'll tease me about it now... she's truly amazing Lyra, thank you for showing her the memories, even if they're bad ones, I'll never place a hand on her again, I promise you that," I said.

I stayed there a majority of the day before heading back to Hogwarts. As soon as I arrived I went to my dorm and grabbed a few sugar quills, then down to the great hall and to the hospital wing.

"Here you go love," I said handing everything to y/n.

"Where were you today? Madam Pomfrey said you didn't come to visit like always?" She asked.

"I had something to do, it's done now, I'll be here tomorrow when you get released as well," I said.

After she was released we spent days looking for a big enough spot to practice but had no luck.

That is until Longbottom found the room of requirements.

The day of our first meeting came and we had to sneak around to get to the room, once we got there we began to train.

"We're starting with the basics today," I said.

"Everyone get into a line," Harry said.

They all hurried to get in a line and we faced one of the dummy's that were in the room.

Neville was first in line as Harry and I stood next to him.

"We're starting with the disarming spell Neville," I said.

Neville looked at both Harry and I before looking back at the dummy.

"Expelliarmus!" He said.

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