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I was quite surprised when Prof. Sycamore called Gary to his office and Gary was more surprised to see me, which I took advantage off, "Gare-Bare" I said as I gave him my hand, he took and now had a smirk on his face as well, "Ashy-Boy, didn't think you were good enough for this college, oh wait, what are you even doing in a college" sneaky bugger, "First off Gary, I'm more than qualified to be here, and second off, I didn't Ilene and Mum wanted me to come here" I said, he nodded he knew that it was impossible to say no to them, "So Ash you have your schedule similar to Gary's except for the obvious Battling Classes during his Research Classes, first year students don't much choice, these lessons are necessary to be taken for a year" Prof. said and I nodded and then we walked out of the office.

I was walking beside Gary and talking about random shit like always, "Where's Pikachu?" he asked, "Sleeping per usual, I swear to Arceus that he only sleeping and eating nowadays" I murmur which earns me a kick in the back, "Now I know" Gary said with a chuckle, the little furball.

"Where are ye staying?" He asks as we head to the cafeteria, "A few minutes from here, close to the prism tower" I say, he nods and we enter the cafeteria, "Imma meet ye up with some of me friends" he says as he leads me a table, or rather a couple of tables connected together, well there were a couple of people.

All of them seemed good enough, pretty sweet and I knew that they would help each other no matter the situation. I kinda knew the people from Alola, not particularly well, I knew that they attended the Pokémon school there and I was mostly over at Aether Paradise, or I was with Lillie and Gladion, Mainly Gladion, Lusamine at the time was a bit off, I wasn't exactly helping Aether, well in their eyes I was, but in all actuality, I was helping Gladion.

After that we went into the Pokémon Breeding class, which was hosted by good 'ol Brocko, except for the slight problem in the beginning, the Ass was trying to blame me for something that I didn't do and one thing that you NEED to know about me is that I hate being framed, so my action was justifiable, I think, but there are only certain things like this that get on my nerves.

I mean I know that Lucario and Greninja were at the brisk of coming out, I was able to control their aura's to not let that happen. After Breeding was done, I was free for a class, most of the other people had their classes, except for me, Gary, Clemont, Goh, Serena, Chloe and May. "So, Ash, who exactly are you" well that was a bit straight forward from Goh, "Hmm... straight to the point, I like that, well I am an explorer" I said vaguely, they didn't need to know the truth, plus my answer Is pretty accurate, I do travel a lot.

"Ah nice, but then why did you want to come to a college if you want to travel" this time it was Clemont, he asked me with a smile, I smile back at him, "Well my mother asked me to join in here, and I can't really say no to her" I say with a chuckle and scratch the back of my head, he nodded, actually they all nodded, its weird how when you're with people time flies by fast, the next class was Pokémon History with Prof. Juniper and that was the last class of the day.

"ok then Ash, what's your dorm number?" Barry asked, I shake my head and say, "I don't have a dorm here" to which people responded with what's and no's and what not, "I have an apartment like a few minutes from here" I say, "Anyways Mr Ketchum, we are meeting up at the Battle Club later, you should join us" Barry said, "Umm I'll have to rain check on that today, maybe next time?" I ask, they groaned but then nodded, Barry added that he'll fine me if I didn't come next time, "Y'all go off, ill go with Ash" Gary said and we left.

I needed to pick up one of my cars for local travel around here, nothing Flashy something of a moderate size, like an estate or a SUV, wait... I think I got it.

"Whoa man, I didn't know your place was so nice" Gary said, "Don't even think about it" I said, he let out humph and sat down on the couch, tomorrow was a holiday because it's the weekend and I need to get some training down, I was in the kitchen when my phone rang, I picked it up and got an earful from mum who was worried about me not calling her, jeez. But what she said next brought me to a complete halt. "WHAT!!" I shouted, Gary came running into the kitchen, "I can't believe you did this; you could have just told me that you wanted to move to Kalos, there was absolutely no need for me to go to college of all places" I said rubbing my crown, I mean if she wanted to move out of Kanto then she might as well have told me, "And where exactly are you?" I ask, she chuckles and I groan, "I thought you'd never ask" she said, if she was here, I would be glaring at her, with the kind of stunt she just pulled I don't know why I'm even so calm in the first place, I guess I'm not that angry because she chose Kalos of all places and I am happy about that, I really do love Kalos. She told me where exactly she is and I cut the call then because I need to go there and give her a piece of me mind for moving entirely from Kanto to Kalos.

"Gary pack your bags, we are going to Vanaville Town" I say and proceed to call Alexander, Alexander is the house keeper and Nani to my Pokémon at the Ranch, I need the car ASAP and I don't have the time to go and pick it up myself, "What?!Why?" he asks, "Mum decided to move from Kanto to here, and I need to know if that's why she enrolled me to KIP" I say the last part frustratedly, "Hey man chill down, we'll go and see them at Vanaville, I hope she's made some food" Gary says and he leaves to get an overnight bag whilst I tell Alexander to bring my AMG GT 4-Door, it's essentially an AMG GT but with 4 doors as the name suggests, and though I prefer the RS6 Avant, I don't have that here, that's in Galar and we don't have the time to import that here to Kalos, so I get to drive the AMG for once.

A few minutes Later Alexander Honks the horn as he come by the driveway, my Black GT 4 door, this is one of the few cars that I have kept stock, mainly because it looks really nice as is, it got all the carbon fibre parts except for the roof, because that comes in the way of the sound system from Burmester, it got the brushed silver 21" wheels by AMG, I like this and every Mercedes I have owned over the years have had this except for the S-Class's. for obvious reasons.

Anyway a few minutes later I am putting my bag into the trunk and waiting for Gary to come but then when he does, I arrive I look at the woman beside him in confusion, it was Serena, "Hey Serena" I greeted to be polite, but then I looked at Gary with confusion etched on my face, "Ah you see Ashy-Boy, she lives in Vanaville and had to go there for the weekend so I asked her to come with us" I nodded and got inside the car after telling them to put their bags in the trunk.

A long road trip, and I hope to god that these two remain silent. Because I'm already on the edge here.

𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧  -  AMOURSHIPPINGWhere stories live. Discover now