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"Finally! Something fun for you to do" Mom shouted when I told her about the guys having a picnic at my ranch, "yeah yeah, I'm pretty sure Gary had some prank up his sleeve, but then I reminded him of my Pokémon and it's a miracle that he didn't shit his pants" I snicker at that though, Krookodile hasn't had that kind of fun in years, "Now now, don't get any bright ideas Ash, let's not talk about that and talk about that event, you went off-grid for a week, without telling me might I add, this had something to do with that event" Mum said, now that is a topic that I wouldn't want to discuss.

I know that I am attracted to her, but I haven't an idea of what goes in her mind, I mean, I'm a psychic, I can read minds, but I cant for the life of me figure her out, and that...that scares me, I'm a person who is aware of things that happen and while people consider me as a reckless arse I know what to do or how to get out of dangerous situation, well now I do, there were times when I was borderline a walking death trap, to myself with my recklessness but I've changed over the years and have matured and that's what matters.

But this women...its like she has embedded herself into my brain and I think of her all the time, the one week of pure training in Alola was supposed to make me forget about that infatuation while on the contrary it did the exact opposite and all the fvcking time I was thinking about her, the way her eyes lit up when she speaks about the things she likes, the way she carries herself, with so much elegance and she doesn't even notice, the scent of her hair with those magnificent strawberry blonde highlights, the smell of the shampoo she uses, I couldn't handle the solitude anymore and that is why I had cut my vacation short, I would have grown mad if I did. I already feel like I'm a psycho for thinking about a person like this.

"Ash, I don't really know what going on in your head, all I can tell you is go for broke and hope for the best? Yeah?" he says, I nod and cut the call, I have to go grocery shopping for the picnic, it's like I'm hosting them at the ranch, which is good because Gary needs to be scared shitless.

So, I called all my Pokémon at the ranch, I had to rotate my team for a mock match, my Turbo S was parked in the driveway alongside the S-class which was brought here yesterday which I will use to go grocery shopping later, I chose Torkoal and Levanny along with Staraptor for the match, it would be a breeze, I'm not being cocky, they are good don't get me wrong but they aren't the level of a World Monarch with 7 Regional Championship titles along with being the final Frontier brain, yeah no.

I then went out of the Ranch and into the Maybach, and then drove to Walmart, for some quality grocery shopping, note the sarcasm.

The Next Day...

My plan was in complete motion, Gary will not see this one coming, because this time around, it's the flyers who are going to prank him, and I mean anything that fly's and can make fly, if you get my drift, anyways, people started rolling up at around 4, there was no class today, and no one does picnics in the middle of the afternoon so naturally we decided evening, the suns slowly wetting down in the Kalosian horizon as I set the table, there were mats on the grass but honestly I don't like the idea of eating on mats, Emma helped me make dinner, I asked them to join us but they had date night apparently and so I left it at that, though they did say that they'll meet everyone and then go.

I took my time setting everything up, I've never hosted anyone at the ranch, this place has always been my peaceful sanctuary with two lovely keepers who take care of my Pokémon, I so want to live here, but I don't want to disturb those two, plus they take care of the place way more than I ever would, I mean, the flowers that grow here are soo beautiful its mesmerizing.

Anyways it was around 4:15 when Gary, Lillie, Gladion, Dawn and Paul rolled up in his Defender, yeah Gary is a scientist and that car is a go anywhere machine, I love it, I have one of those, its in Rota. Just after they came in, Serena and Aria along with May and Drew rolled up in her Roma, I feel pity for Aria and May, they sat in the back of that sports car, jeez, if they asked, I would have come and picked them up.

"This is the first time someone has even come here" I say as I go over to greet them, the main Ranch house is a very large and retro-modern newly built Mansion, that single house alone makes this place seem like a gated house in Wyndon as opposed to a obvious Ranch, the 'house' has about 20 rooms and more bathrooms, an indoor pool and a home theatre, battle simulator and an outdoor pool and a game room, okay, this house is not built by me, the design was my idea along with the décor in my master bedroom and Living room, and the few other rooms that I do use, but anything else in the house was designed by mum and Ilene with help from Salvia, they thought they knew what I liked, but I didn't and I had to remodel the house, a lot of it, but anyways they gave it a try.

"Seriously man how much money do you have" May asked, "quite a bit actually, never used a lot of it back when I travelled" I answered, that was true, I always knew how to save and even now most of my trainer earning's go to trainer funds across the regions, because not everyone is fortunate enough.

"Anyways, I'll give y'all a tour of the place" I said and took them on a tour of the house and property, they also met Emma and Alex, Alex and Emma were communicating silently through their eyes when Serena introduced herself to them, finally we reached the roof of the house, that's where the flyers were ready to take Gary, we stood there overlooking the horizon when a cry nothing short of a war cry was heard and just like that Gary was gone, poof...gone! I'm sorry Gary but I'm not going to let you get away with an attempt to mock me, no one even notice Gary being gone, until Lillie, "Guys where is Gary?" she asked, I acted nonchalant and whistled, but serena Caught on to it, this woman is going to be my end, I'm certain about it, "hmm why do I feel like you know something we don't" she said squinting her eyes at me. "Well maybe I do" I said as waved, this was a signal, because just as that happened, Noivern shot a boom-burst up into the sky, Pidgeot then dropped Gary, you heard me right, dropped. Never mess with my Pokémon and I, we might be ok when not together but together we are dangerous,

In the blink of an eye, Gary was almost visible, I called Metagross and asked him to use psychic, so just as he was about to kill himself, he was caught and his heart rate was pretty normal for his adventure sport, "Did you like it Gare-bear?" I asked as he caught his breath, he was about to jump at me, my ears felt like they were being ripped apart, "owwwww" I all but shouted, turns out Angels do get angry, "that was not nice Mr!" she chastised me and I didn't do anything about it, Emma had a look of astonishment on her face, so did Gary and Gladion and Lillie, I mean, past me would also be very astounded with this.

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