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With that said, I watched Ilene go off like a possessed woman, she was an Ursaring going to claim her part of the forest, but before she could do anything, Lillie happened, She went ahead and kissed him, for a good 15 seconds, a full blown make out session, but then she abruptly pulled away from him and slapped him just as hard, and then she made a mad dash towards the exit, Gary was hypnotised and cross eyed for a few seconds, then he felt the sting on the slap I suppose, then a few seconds later he was blushing, wait...more like his blushing intensified, then realisation hit him like a bitch and he all but ran off from the room.

"Well...that was an unexpected turn of events, no?" I asked serena, who nodded, yeah it is at times like this that being a psychic comes into use, no-one else in the room knew what Gary was thinking except him and I, well, that woman has had feeling for him for so long and that son of a bitch...no offence to you Yellow...... anyways, he has feelings for her as well, but he's an arrogant arsehole with the attention curve of a 3-year-old, well even wants attention like one, but eh?

Anyways, Ilene had gone missing along with Salvia, I also noticed that my keys were gone from the valet, but that is to come in the future, though I don't need to use my powers to guess that, Ilene and Salvia are probably gonna go at it like they are possessed or something, "serena, I might need a ride home" I asked, she looked at me confused, "Ilene and Salvia might have taken my car" I answered the unasked question, "Oh ok" she said, Mum, Grace and a few of her friends are having an all expense paid weekend here at the resort getting 'pampered' as she put it, it was what she wanted for her present.

Of course...I granted that wish of hers, after that we all had a few drinks, I had some vine, Serena was having a couple of martini's, thank lord the drinking permit is 18 years in Kalos, All of us where talking and having a quality time, it was a little later that we all decided to call it a night, I went ahead and said goodbye to Jessie, James and Meowth and James Jr, Serena had come here with her Roma, I liked the Roma, but it looks like an Aston and that is something that I've personally never gotten over.

We were going the speed limit out of town when the TPMS system suddenly went haywire and a tire burst out, the car spun out of its route and we were about to hit a tree, my eyes turned lavender as I put serena and I in a layers of Psychic powers, the car crashed into a tree at 50mph, that would leave both of us dead, but something about this accident seems wrong, Serena fainted out of shock, well she's going to get another shock when she finds out that we both came out of this accident without a scratch, I could tell her the truth about how she's fine...but I'll tell her that Gardevoir teleported us because she sensed Distress.

I teleported myself and Serena to the Ranch, where loud noises were heard, as expected, I took serena into the other guest room and tucked her into bed after removing here shoes, she looked like an angel no matter what, her hair with all its highlighted pink glory caressed her face from the wind that the fan made, the hair was so soft and her skin was a smooth as a baby's but cheek.

I made my way out of the room and into the loudness of the house, anyways, her car is toast, there is not a body shop that could even get it repaired, even if you could it may as well cost more than buying another car.

I went into my now sound proofed room as I noticed, Thank you Emma! I slept like a log and before I knew it, it was already Saturday.


Aah this bed is bloody comfortable, its like I'm sleeping on an Altaria's wing, I don't remember my bed being this soft......WAIT!!! I DON'T REMEMBER THIS BEING MY BED.

I jumped out of bed with a scream and look down to see that I was still clothed, I was also completely fine, wait! Didn't we have some accident yesterday? Shit! How the hell am I fine! "ASH!!!!!" I screamed as I finally looked out of the window and understood where in the world I am.

Though, I was freaking out, I remember being in an accident yesterday, I run out of the room and made my way downstairs to find Ash standing by the counter top, he was making coffee, his sweatpants hung below his well-defined waist line and his back was just tasty looking, "Ash!" I breathed, he turned around and I had to stop myself from ogling over those abs, "Ash.... yesterday night...the accident.... we are both not hurt?" I spoke in a weak voice, I needed some liquid to drink, Ash gave me the coffee in his hand and turned around to make another one, after placing the beans in the machine he started talking, "Yes serena, the accident did happen and we would have been dead if Gardevoir didn't sense something and come and rescue us, your ride is another story though" he said with a chuckle.

"But the points still remains serena, someone tried to kill us, because that wasn't an accident, that was done to get either one of us or both of us killed" he said seriously, fvcking hell who in the world would want to kill me.

"Don't overthink it serena, but we need to be careful from now on, this could happen again and no one might be able to save us, and they would succeed and I don't like the sound of that...but I have been thinking and...I have a plan...though you may not exactly like it" he said

I asked him to continue......

Oh this is where the fun begins....btw, chapter 16th on the 16th, coincidence....i think not

𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧  -  AMOURSHIPPINGWhere stories live. Discover now