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"Lance, I'm not kidding, they have to be alive, and I know that you also know that all this doesn't add up" Ilene said as I sat, they're by my Razer, trying to locate the battle vessel, now there was no way to find the actual pin point location of that thing, but it was last spotted by the Kantonese Coast Guard in the sea but as soon as it was seen it was gone, Ash, popular to people's beliefs is an excellent hacker and knows his way around doing many things, He's not just a pretty face, I am sure that he has made that ship untraceable and with all the weapons on it with the addition of his Pokémon, I never knew all his new Pokémon, but I can tell you this, whoever is with him, could probably take down a criminal organization entirely.

He is not a person to mess around with, I still remember like yesterday when Team Rocket took gramps as hostage back when we were travelling around in Kanto, Now, Gramps was the only father figure he had in his life, and he was still learning to control his aura and he was already in a bit of a loosing streak whilst this was happening, he was doubting his worth and then everything just caught up on him at once and that was how an entire Team Rocket base was brought to dust by a 10 year old, so now at 18 when he has total control of what he's doing I doubt that anyone can put a scratch on him, and who knows maybe in the end of all this, Serena and Ash could be dating, because well, Ash adores her, there's not another way to put it up,

When we are alone all he can talk about is 'serena this' and 'serena that' and he's probably watched all her performances and all her modelling gigs, I could very well claim that he's smitten and he doesn't realise it and as far as I know serena, I think she knows what she wants as well, because She's not the kinda person who would let any man into her life just like that, she was kinda like an ice queen when it came to men, she wasn't interested in Playboys and men who sleep around, well Ash's not either of those, he's always been very respectful and oblivious to the advancements of women on him, unlike way back when he was oblivious about anything women now he knew about the surroundings but nothing about the way the women looked at him.

Unless he's paid a lot of attention, which I'm sure he gives in plentiful to serena, the only things that probably go through his brain on usual is training, battling, his Pokémon, Serena and his family and friends, and after all of that maybe he thinks about his job and all that, and that's just a maybe, he only does that job because it pays a lot and he gets to do some math, he likes maths, quite a bit, I don't think he even uses the pay, its probably rotting away in his bank, He does give a lot to charity and trainers funds.

"Guys listen there's been a sighting of the ship exiting the gulf of Sinnoh, that means that he could very well be heading to Unova next" I say as I close the laptop and make my way towards the two 'adults', "Lance, We don't want the world knowing things if they are alive, Ash isn't dumb and you know it more than I do that he's the most calculative person on earth, if he wants the world to see him and Serena as dead then they'll remain dead to the other man till he decides to be alive" I say as I make my way out of the room and down by the hall.

Another suspicion of mine is Alexander, he's been taking care of Ash's Pokémon as if nothings really happened, and Emma also, but their questioning will have to wait till I get back to Kalos, but that'll only be after I pay a visit to Unova.

"Oak" a voice calls out to me, I turn around and smirk at the lilac haired trainer, "Shinji, you're late" I say, he grunts as we make our way into the boarding area of the plane, we were flying business class to Unova, a few good hours of sleep later we were in Nimbassa City

We rented out a Raptor and got set out on finding them if they were even here.

Now here's the thought process, they cant really use the main ports so we are looking for abandoned ones that could possibly fit that massive war-ship, and the one that we start with is in the Dessert, now you could ask me why there's a port in the dessert, but then I would call you dumb, its abandoned for a reason, thankfully there aren't that many ports that are abandoned, its mainly because its already difficult and expensive to make one and it then going unused will cause millions of Poke dollars' worth of loss.

We slowly and carefully drove to the port, but there was nothing over there, but I expected that, they aren't gonna let that ship in the open without any security on it, we had to wait it out, I had already sent my Fearow and Skarmory to check on the other 2 ports in Unova, thankfully they knew their way around here.

We were waiting here and observing the port when I heard the door to the back of the car open, "You know Gary, I thought you'd find me quicker, and Paul, didn't think I'd see you here" That Bastard, I was about to lunge at him but was restrained by two things, His psychic field and my fvcking seatbelt, and maybe the fact that Paul was just as angry as me, we could have had more of a fighting chance but Ash is Ash and before we knew it, Ash was leaning back and we were driving, what in the fvck? We drive towards the port and as soon as we were about to fall into the sea, I heard the sound of a V8 and turned around to see Ashy Boys Boss, the car ran ahead of us and as it got near a whole ship appeared, "Feast your eyes on the battle vessel, Paul, I would love to see you here when you beat Brandon" he says as he drove the car into the ship.

As soon as we got inside, he got rid of the psychic fields around us and said, "not a word about the Psychic abilities, I swear I can do all that without showing any of the visually appealing pink aura" He threatened as we all got out, as soon as Paul and I got out we double teamed on Ash and gave him a nice punch to the face, "You bastard!" I shouted, but soon enough we were behaving like 'civilized adults' having some coffee, complementary of Ash, but then I realised that we were on the move, "Don't worry about that Gary, we are heading to Galar, Team Rockets up to something and we found some clues here in Unova that point to Galar, also, a couple of recruits for this team of ours will join in there, And before you go on, I know that Ilene knows, in fact she's on her way to the ship" he said and went off leaving Paul, Serena and I in the kitchen.

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