Her George [Part Two]

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You could feel the life slowly draining from you as your ridged through the halls. It was weird, because you had lived your whole life without George and just three months with him effected you so heavily in so many ways. You couldn't deal with the feeling you got in your stomach seeing George with Alicia in the halls, probably now together, it was as if nothing had ever happened —— as if they'd forgotten all about you. It was hell on earth to think of him forgetting you — because you hadn't forgotten him, or her. But they'd forgotten you. As you walked past the group, including Fred and Lee, you kept your head down and walked faster. That part of your life was done now.

You didn't notice how George's smile transformed into a sad frown when you walked by or how he stared at you intently. He saw your body slowly deteriorating throughout the weeks that he was without you, and he saw that you smiled less and less. He missed you more than he thought was even possible and loved you even more. It was mind-boggling to him that he could fall for someone so badly in a space of just three months. But he did, nonetheless.

Life without you was getting harder by the days, but Fred had told him to get on with his life the way he would have before he met you, so that was what he did. Alicia flirted with him an endless amount and he was genuinely uncomfortable. He didn't play along, the same way he would have three months ago, because he had betrayed you enough already. He felt like he couldn't confide in Fred, because Fred had 'shipped' him and Alicia for years —— and Fred was the one who told him to move on, so he kept everything to himself.


That was how he'd found himself wandering to the astronomy tower so later at night — it was the place he'd met you.

The beginning of the best part of his life.

He didn't expect you to already be there, sitting alone with your head pressed into your knees. You looked so sad.

He hated that.

And yes, he knew it was his fault.

And yes, he knew he should leave you alone.

But something in him wanted to be near you. He stood in the doorway, and watched you for a minute — not in a creepy way, he just admired you. It was a weird feeling for him to still fawn over a girl — usually he'd find a rebound and move on, and usually that rebound would be Alicia.

Him and Alicia were a lot closer than what he first admitted. They'd sleep together from time to time when George had a girlfriend or Alicia had a boyfriend they needed to get over — but George had never thought about it going further than that. He never liked Alicia in that way. Did Alicia like him? He was curious now.

Did Alicia mistake their hookups for love?

It sounds cheesy when you put it that way, but maybe she did. Maybe that was why she came on to George that night. The last time he had slept with her was around three months ago — the night he met you, actually. Angelina Johnson had just told him she liked Fred, and as always, Alicia was there. He was on his way back to Gryffindor tower when he ran into you.

"Y/N?" He finally said, startling you. You didn't really want to speak to him right now, and so you stood up. "Please- Please don't. I have something to tell you."

"What? I don't have all night."

"Then why are you here? If you're so busy why are you here?"

"I didn't say I was busy, George, I just don't want to spend all night talking to you."

"Ookay then."

"Hurry up, George."

"Okay okay. Do you remember when we met?"


"Don't, Y/N, okay? This is really important to me."

"Did you finally get with Alicia? Am I gonna be a bridesmaid at your wedding?"

"No, Y/N. "

"I'm out of guesses."

"Well anyway, before you interrupted me, I was telling you that the night we met I had slept with Alicia."

"You slept with her?!"

"Well... yeah. But it never meant anything to me, Y/N, I was just upset."

"Upset? You were upset?!"

"Angelina Johnson... she had rejected me and Alicia... Alicia was there."

"And you led me on?"

"No, Y/N. I would never do that to you."

"Seems like you did to me."

"Are you angry?"

"Of course I am. Of course I fucking am, but nothing surprises me anymore." You turned away to leave, and George's heart shattered into a million pieces. He didn't even remember the last time he hugged you, and that for him was awful.

"I love you, Y/N."

"Heh. Don't kid yourself."

"I'm not. I'm really really not. It is breaking me to think that if I let you walk away from me right now I might never see you again, breaking me. I didn't mean to fall for you, and I didn't mean to hurt you after I had fallen you. I swear to you, I swear to you Y/N that I love you. With every fibre of my being, I love you. And I will spend to rest of my life making it up to you if that's what it takes, but I can't go to bed every night and wake up without you because I promise you that I will not survive. Three months. Three months is all it took for me to fall in love with you, so what does that say? Either you're a really lovable person or I just love people too easily, but either way, I love you. And I am begging you to please please let me hold you. I didn't sleep with Alicia and I didn't kiss her back, I would never do that to you."




"Don't what? What do you want me to do, Y/N? Do you want me to lie to you? No! I'm not going to do that! Because I've been doing that for weeks and I'm done. I'm done with lying to myself and everybody else, I'm done with pretending like I don't want to spend the rest of my life with you because I do. And I know I can't give you a normal life, Y/N, because god knows I'm far from average, but I don't want anybody else to either."

"Then why?!"

"Why what?"

"Why did you pretend like you never fucking met me? Why did you carry on like we never happened? Why did you keep flirting with Alicia knowing how much pain and suffering she caused me? How could you do that to me? How could you hurt me like that? Do you know how much that killed me? To think that you forgot about me?"

"God, Y/N, I never forgot you. I never fucking forgot you, I could never forget you. And I know that it probably seemed like I did but I didn't, and as for the flirting, I didn't ever reciprocate it. I didn't think about you hurting, Y/N, because you left me, but I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry for any pain I caused you by going to that party. But I'm here and I'm not going anywhere any time soon and I'm not giving up on us anytime soon either. So, please, please let me love you."

By the time George's little speech was finished, you had broken down crying — he was saying everything you wanted to hear. But when you came to the astronomy tower, you hadn't expected him to be there too and now you were just really overwhelmed. He rushed to your side as you resumed you position with your head in your knees and comforted you. You honestly didn't know if the tears were happy or sad — or both.

"I'm sorry,I didn't mean to make you cry." You looked at him now, and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. He smiled at you gently, and brushed your now wet hair from your eyes as it began to rain.

You stayed like that all night, basking in eachother's embrace.

And as Minerva McGonnogall began her rounds or the school, she saw you two and smiled to herself. She remembered a time when someone held her like that, so decided it best to leave well enough alone.

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