All for the best

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"You don't even get it!"
"I don't get it?" I scoffed. "I don't get it? You know what George, you're right. I will never understand why you constantly put pranks before me!"
"I do not!"
"You do! It's been a year George, since you haven't been late for a date! How do you think I feel?"
"Well —"
"I don't even feel loved anymore! Well guess what George, you can blow me off for your stupid jokes all you want, because I am done!"
"Don't say that..."
"No, George, I'm done! I'm so done with feeling constantly useless! I'm done with this — whatever this was." He looked at me pleadingly. "Don't look at me like that. I heard Angelina Johnson likes you — I reckon she'd let all your silly pranks go." And with that, I turned and walked away. I didn't regret snapping, not one bit. I was so sick of being used all the time. So that was it... I was single.

~Time Skip~

He was there... with her. She got to be in his arms, in his embrace. She got all of his love and affection, and I didn't. I was lost, broken. I knew that it was all for the best, but I still missed him. His laugh, his smirk, even all of his stupid pranks. I missed George, but he didn't miss me. He moved on... he moved on.

"It'll be okay, Y/N."
"No it won't, Ginny. I should have just kept my mouth shut! Maybe I'd still have a boyfriend."
"It's for the best."
"And with Angelina Johnson of all people!" I bashed my head against my pillow. "He wasn't supposed to move on so quickly, Ginny. I want him back!"
"He's not property, Y/N."
"I know, but I just miss him."
"You'll be okay, it'll get easier."
"I had him! He was always so loving and caring and I had him... I just let him go."
"I'm sorry, Y/N... I know you miss him."
"I'll be right back."
"Where are you goi—" She blanked me, walking through the doorway. "Oh Ginny!!"

George's POV:

" — And the worst thing is that I don't even like Angelina!"
"So then why are you dating her?"
"Because I miss Y/N. But she's not her." I laughed slightly. "And she doesn't even miss me. She seems completely fine!"
"You should break up with Angelina."
I rubbed my forehead. "I know, but —"
"Stop trying to convince yourself that you like her! You don't, George! You're doing more harm than good by staying with her." He shrugged. "And besides you never know how Y/N feels unless you ask her."
"Or you could just ask me."
"Hey Ginny."
"I'm not here for you, Fred."
"Well excuse me."
"You're excused." She turned to me. "She misses you, George."
"Sure she does." I rolled my eyes.
"I believe her exact words were 'I want him back, Ginny.' then she started attacking herself with her pillow." I laughed. Y/N did that a lot... she would always scold herself when she did something wrong.

Whenever I was with Angelina, I pictured Y/N. I pictured her snuggling into me on the loveseat or her scolding me again for being late to lesson. The strange thing was, Angelina never did any of that, she just let me do whatever I wanted. She would always sit on my lap, never just next to me — as if she needed everyone to see that we were dating. How pathetic... Fred was right! I had to end things with Angelina and soon.

"I need to win her back."
"I believe I could be of some help."

𝓖𝓮𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓮 𝓦𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓵𝓮𝔂 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now