All for the best #2

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"A party?!" I scolded. "How the hell is a party gonna help me and George get back together?"
"You'll look beautiful, he'll be smitten and boom! You're officially George's again."
"One — I'm always beautiful and two — I was never George's." I sighed, sitting down on my bed and taking off my shoes.
"Stop being an idiot, Y/N, because I need a sister and I sure as hell don't want it to be Angelina Johnson, now get up, get changed and do your makeup!"
"Whatever." I scoffed, going over to my wardrobe.
"This is hopeless! You have nothing in your wardrobe for a party!"
"Because I don't go to parties!"
"Remind me again why you're not in raven claw."
"I don't know, Ginny!"
"Do you not have anything to wear?"
"There's one thing." I took all of the clothes out of my trunk and pulled out the dress my mum packed for special occasions.

"I don't know how I feel about this, Ginny

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"I don't know how I feel about this, Ginny."
"You shouldn't have shown me it if you didn't want to wear it."
"Whatever let's just go."
"Hey, I'm not dressed either Y'know!"

""Hey, I'm not dressed either Y'know!"

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We looked beautiful. I knew we did, but partying just wasn't my thing. I lacked the confidence to dress up and go to parties and flirt with boys and get really, really drunk. It just wasn't me.

"Can we go down now?"
"Yep." She adjusted her pony tail one last time and pulled me up from the bed, and out the door in the process.
"I hate these stairs so much."
"W-Why?" She laughed.
"It's like every time you go down them you're making a grand entrance."
"And that's not a good thing?"
"No! Everybody just stares until you're out the room. I don't need that attention, thank you."
"Well, brace yourself, cuz we're about to make ours."
"It's not an entrance! God!" Before I knew it, we were walking downstairs, but I never once looked ahead. "I don't want to be here."
"Yes, I know, Y/N — you've made your point." We reached the bottom of the stairs, and I went straight over to the couch. "I'm getting a drink!"
"Don't you want one?"
"I don't drink."

George's PoV:

She didn't even realise how many boys were staring at her when she walked downstairs. She looked ... beautiful, but I knew that she would be uncomfortable. She wasn't a very social butterfly... and she didn't drink, which would make it harder for her to enjoy herself.

"All I'm saying, is I can't believe you've dated my brother without becoming slightly alcoholic."
"I only dated George because he was literally the only not-horrible boy that was ever attracted to me. I never got involved in his pranks or alcoholism."
"That's not making me any further convinced."
"Go and get your drink, Ginny."
"Ginny thinks I'm an alcoholic?" I said, sitting beside her.
"I guess so."
"And she was my favourite." I rolled my eyes playfully. "How rude."
"You've spiked the punch haven't you?"
"Yeah but — "
"Case in point."
"So I'm the only not-horrible person ever to be attracted to you?"
"No, you're a twat, but it made Ginny shut up didn't it?"
"How rude!"
"Bye George."
"Bye George." I nodded, standing up. Then her big sister and her fiancé came through the door and her whole mood changed. She smiled from ear to ear, jumping up to hug them.

Y/N's POV:

To say that my sister and her daughter arriving wasn't the best thing that had happened to me all day, well that would be a lie. Her daughter was new born and she was adorable! I never thought about having kids until Hope was born, and then there was nothing I wanted more.

"Lynn!" I said, jumping up at her. "Hello Neal."
"Y/N." I couldn't stand her fiancé and he couldn't stand me, but she loved him and that was it for me.
"Hello Y/N!"
"I missed you! Can I take her?" I nodded at the baby she was cradling.
"I don't know —"
"I was asking Lynette."
"Have you drunken anything?"
"Seriously, Lynn? I've never touched a drink in my life."
"Oh go on then." She handed me Hope and I sat on the loveseat with her. It was amazing. When you have a baby in your arms, whether it's yours or not, you wonder how you've ever lived your life without them. I did. I was depressed for so long before Hope was born, and then she came and flipped my whole world. George helped of course, but his constantly putting pranks and stuff before me only made me feel more worthless.

George's POV:

She would have been an amazing mum — but I knew that she didn't think about having kids. The way she looked at that baby... it was amazing! I know that I should have treated her better... I know, and I know that she was the perfect person. She put up with my nonsense, but not to a point where she was uncomfortable. She listened and supported me when I was right, but told me when I was wrong. And she was beautiful. The most beautiful.... Angelina Johnson? She had nothing on Y/N. I didn't tell her enough, how much she meant to me... or how awful my life was without her. I was happy to see Angelina and Fred kissing. I wasn't angry at all... they would be a much better fit. Me and Y/N... me and Y/N were meant for each other. Then I watched as she shook her head at her sister's fiancé, handed him the baby and stormed angrily out of the common room.

It wasn't much of a choice as I followed her out, Merely an impulse. I followed her from the common room and out onto the astronomy tower. She sat up against the wall, her head back, and tears flowing down from her eyes as she hugged her knees close to her chest.

It broke me to see her like this. It made me want to go back and kill the son of a bitch who hurt her. But I couldn't. Because I lost her. 

I.  Lost.  Her.

That was my last thought before I took a seat beside her. The wind howled consistently and she turned her head to look at me. Our eyes locked for a second, before she sighed and rested her head on my shoulder.

We sat there for hours, exchanging no words, but saying everything we needed to.

She stood up abruptly, emitting a shaky breath and wiping away her tears before turning and leaving.

I couldn't let her leave me. Not again. I stood up and followed after her.

"Y/N! Y/N, wait!" She stopped where she was, but didn't turn around. Then she spun on her heel, teary eyed and with rosey cheeks. I moved forward, resting my hand on her cheek and wiping away a tear with my thumb. "What's wrong, Princess? What did he do?"

"Nothing, George, just leave it."

"Hey. Hey don't do that, Y/N, don't shut me out."

"Don't shut you out? Don't shut you Out?! You seem to have forgotten that you shutting me out is the reason we broke up!"

"I know, I know it is, Y/N and I will spend the rest of my life regretting that but right now you're hurting and that is hurting me. Tell me what he did."

"He didn't do anything."

"Then what did he say?"

"He said —" I nodded, silently urging her to continue. "He told me that you never loved me and that I'd never have kids because you were the best I'd get and I lost you." I pulled her forward, wrapping my arms around her as she buried her face into my shoulder. I wanted to hurt him and make him regret everything, which believe me I would, but for now I just wanted... I just wanted to hold her and never let go.

𝓖𝓮𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓮 𝓦𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓵𝓮𝔂 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now