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The five VKs had found a picnic table away from the crowds, but it seemed the popular, rich kids of Auradon weren't done with them yet. For some reason, it seemed they'd forgotten who it were they were dealing with. Ruby was inclined to show them if they didn't stop very soon. They seemed to think they were dealing with punks, troublemakers. Had they truly forgotten who they were? Were they that stupid to think that you could push a bunch of kids from the Isle? They weren't pushovers. They were fighters. Those dearies wouldn't know what'd hit them if they actually fought back.

Of course, Ben stopped by to try and ease their minds. Ruby thought it was sweet and predictable, but nothing Ben could say would ease her friends' minds, or hers for that matter. That was the thing with Auradon; the only thing she loved about it was Ben. If it weren't for Ben, she'd have absolutely no problem taking over the place and letting the villains roam free.

Why did she have to fall so hard for those kind, compassionate hazel green eyes?

If she could've only kept to her image of being the ruthless Ruby Princess, none of this would've been so complicated. She could've been who she'd always been with no troubling thoughts, but because of this one, heart-warming boy, Ruby was conflicted.

"Hey, guys." Had been Ben's attempt of playing off the family day fiasco. "How is everyone?" No one answered, not even Ruby. "Yeah?" He realized none of them were going to answer and tried something else. "Hey, listen. Forget about it. All right? It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go." He came to stand behind Ruby, putting his hands on her shoulders. Ruby leant back against him. "Tomorrow, after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay."

Ruby was afraid that that wasn't true. She wasn't quite sure what would happen at coronation, but she doubted that afterwards 'everything would be okay'. She didn't quite want to think about it just yet, if she were being honest.

Ben leant down beside her, "I have to go." He squeezed her shoulders and looked around at the others. "I'll see you guys later."

Ruby watched Ben walk away. He wasn't his usual happy self either. He didn't like any of this himself, she knew that much. He hated how her and her friends were treated, and he hated that no one seemed to accept his proclamation, which had been made with all the best intend.

Meanwhile, Doug had approached the table to talk to Evie, but Chad kept interrupting them. Ruby's hand was clenched around her dagger, ready to throw it straight at Chad's insufferable face any second, but Carlos had a tight grip of her wrist under the table as he poked his fork at his food with his other hand.

"Doug..." Evie whispered, hoping that he'd stop listening to Chad and just talk to her, but Doug sighed.

"Sorry. I can't." Doug walked away, back to his friends. Evie pushed her tray away from her, having lost all appetite.

Unfortunately, none of them got the chance to comfort Evie, or the next round of taunts came their way, or more specifically, Ruby's.

"How long does she think that's gonna last?" Audrey asked Jane obnoxiously as they purposely passed their table. "Ruby's just the bad girl infatuation."

"Yeah," Jane agreed, leaning down right next to Ruby's ear. "I mean, he's never gonna make a villain a queen."

Carlos needed Jay's help in keeping Ruby seated before Auradon had their first murder in years on their hands. Evie was glaring at the two girls on Ruby's behalf and Mal was finally done playing nice when she saw the look on Ruby's face.

She flicked through her spellbook before chanting, "Beware, foreswear, undo Jane's hair." Her fingers made a quick movement, which was followed by Jane's horrified scream. Ruby smiled a little at the sound and caught Mal's eyes. The purple-haired girl gave her a nod and stood up, turning to the rest of them. Evie stood as well and the boys rose to their feet, knowing Ruby at least deserved to look them in the eye, though their grip on her wrists never faltered.

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