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The next morning, Ruby was rudely woken up by the bright light coming in through the windows. The thin, pink curtains doing little to stop the light from filling the room. She buried her head in her pillow and groaned before getting out of bed. Looking over at the other two beds, she found Evie still fast asleep while Mal was laying fully clothed on her bed, flicking through her mother's spellbook. Without looking up from her book, Mal gave Ruby a nod of her head.

"Morning." Ruby didn't bother reply and eyed Mal's spellbook.

"There isn't anything in there that would help us take over all of Auradon without having to steal the wand, is there?"

"Not that I know of. We're going to have to get that wand if we want to get out of here."

"Well, we better come up with a plan fast, because it hasn't even been one day and I already feel like strangling someone," Ruby grumbled. Mal snapped her head up to glare in Ruby's direction.

"No strangling, Ruby. Not while we still have to pretend to be good. You can do that once we've taken over this place." Ruby glared right back at Mal. She hated when people ordered her around. But she knew Mal had a point and she knew she'd better listen to the purple haired girl because her mother would kill her if she messed things up.

"Fine. But we better come up with a plan fast. You know what happens when I have to behave for too long, M. It won't be pretty," Ruby said. She grabbed some clothes and made her way to the bathroom to shower and get ready. She faintly heard Mal mutter 'I know' before she closed the door behind her and got ready for the upcoming hellish day.

Ruby figured out the luxurious shower faster than she'd expected and got in for a quick wash. She dressed herself in a red dress that came to her mid-thigh. Like most clothing items she owned, it had a high enough collar to hide her neck. She applied some red lipstick and mascara before throwing on her leather jacket and leaving the bathroom.

"Finally!" Evie let out once Ruby exited the bathroom. Evie rushed past Ruby with a pile of clothes in her hands and shut the bathroom door behind her. Ruby rolled her eyes at her blue-haired friend. She sat down on the edge of her bed and pulled on her knee-high, red heels. She tucked her knife in its holster hidden in her boot and lay back on the bed as she waited for Evie to finish getting ready and for the boys to arrive.

After a mere two minutes, Ruby had gotten bored of waiting and got her knife from her boot. She threw it in the air and caught it again. She did little tricks with it, sometimes throwing it at the wall. It would lodge itself at the precise place she'd aimed at, leaving holes whenever Ruby tore it out of the wall.

Mal glanced up whenever Ruby threw the knife through the room. She knew it wasn't a smart idea to create so many holes in the walls—Fairy Godmother was sure to have a fit if she ever found out—but Mal didn't stop the redhead. Mal knew that Ruby's knife throwing was about the only thing she could do to let out all the build-up anger and frustration she constantly felt. Mal knew first hand that Ruby had to act out in one way or another or things would end up badly for all of them. Ruby had never been able to handle her emotions like a normal person. Hell, Mal could safely admit that even she had a better understanding of them than Ruby had. Ruby's way of handling them involved a lot of repressing them only to later let them out in the form of violence.

A knock on the door halted Ruby's knife throwing as Mal got up to open the door. Jay and Carlos were standing behind it and entered the room. Ruby got off her bed and went to the bathroom door. She slammed her fist against it a few times.

"Eves, hurry up. The boys are here and we need to eat breakfast. I can't deal with that Goodness 101 class on an empty stomach," Ruby yelled at the door.

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