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After Goodness 101 was over, Fairy Godmother ordered Jay, Carlos and Ruby to go down to the locker rooms, where the coach would be waiting for them with their uniforms for them to exercise in. Jay looked disgusted at the mention of uniforms, Carlos was disgusted by the mention of having to exercise, and Ruby was plainly disgusted by all of it.

Apparently, Fairy Godmother had thrown around their schedules so that they could all attend practice. Not like Ruby cared whether she showed up in class or not, but then again it was best to play the part of good girl so people wouldn't be too suspicious of her.

The three made their way to the locker rooms where a short, dark-skinned man was already waiting. He introduced himself as the Coach and gave them their uniforms. Ruby's being different from the boys' heavy gear. She had gotten a yellow shirt and blue skirt.

"Changing rooms are over there, boys. Yours is over there, Miss Hearts. Once you're done, go to the field outside. You're late already as it is," Coach said. He then took off, leaving the three VKs. Ruby shared a look with Jay and Carlos.

"We'll meet back here in a minute?" Carlos suggested. Ruby nodded and turned around to head into the changing room. Once she entered it, the room was as good as empty, aside from a blonde girl with glasses. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail, with a black bow around it. She was reading a book while wearing the same uniform as the one in Ruby's hands.

Something about the girl infuriated Ruby the moment she entered the room. It was strange really, but after taking in the girl's appearance and seeing the blue and white clothing visible in the bag beside the girl, it wasn't hard for Ruby to guess where that feeling had come from. She knew exactly who this was. It had to be.

The blonde didn't seem to notice Ruby's entrance. Ruby smirked and slammed the door shut behind her. The girl jumped and dropped her book in the process, causing Ruby's smirk to widen even more.

"Oh, you startled me. I didn't see you coming in," The girl said. She didn't look up to face Ruby, but instead went to retrieve her book. It was only once the girl stood straight again that she realized who it was that had entered the locker room. The blonde's eyes widened and she took a step backwards in fear. "Y-You're the Queen of Hearts' daughter."

"I am, yes. And judging from the blonde hair, the bow in it, and the obvious fear you have for me, I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you're Alice's kid." Ruby took multiple slow, deliberate steps closer to the daughter of her mother's enemy, causing the scared blonde to step backwards again until her back was pressed against the wall.

"Uh—Yes. Yes, that's me. I'm Allison, but everyone calls me Allie," The blonde, Allison, introduced.

"And I couldn't care less." Ruby chuckled. It wasn't a humoured chuckle, it was the kind that sent shivers down your spine and it scared Allison shitless. Ruby's eyes deliberately trailed down to Allison's neck and she widened her eyes madly. Allison saw and gulped loudly.

"I—uh, I've got to go. Audrey is going to kill me if I'm late again."

"And here I thought I could be the one to do that. Well, maybe another time then?" Ruby faked a pout. Allison gave a faint nod in fear before practically sprinting out the room. Ruby watched the girl go and couldn't help but laugh. That encounter had just made her day a little less terrible.

What made it worse however was the realization that struck Ruby next. Allison had been wearing her uniform and it had exposed her neck more than Ruby would've liked. She grumbled to herself as she tried to come up with a way to cover her neck while she changed.

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