Chapter 15.5: Mr. Broke and Ms. Exhausted

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Soraru and Amatsuki followed Noelle through the wilds till they reached a city. Surrounded by water on three sides, with a beautiful bridge connecting it to the land, the city looked as if it had been ripped out from the pages of a fantasy book.

"Um. Ahem!" Noelle cleared her throat and smiled just before they entered the gates. "Welcome to the city of Mondstadt!" she smiled cheerfully at them before walking inside. The guards standing at the gate waved to her and smiled as they walked in.

"WOAHHH" Amatsuki twirled around as they entered the gates and looked excitedly at the city.

It was pretty impressive, a scene that you wouldn't see normally. Noelle led them towards the knights' headquarters, while showing them popular spots on the way. A wishing fountain, a statue of their god (was that Venti???) and the cathedral, even buying them grilled fish on the way before they finally reached the knights' headquarters.

The building in which the headquarters were located was pretty impressive, and towered high above the fountain below. Knights were standing at the door, and welcomed Noelle in with the utmost respect, which made Soraru wonder about her position.

They walked in through the door, and entered a room to their right, and Soraru immediately recognized most of the people there. Bennett, Sou, Shima and Razor were gathered there, with four other people that Soraru didn't know.

"Oh, it seems more cuties have made their way here." a woman giggled. She had a magician's hat on her head, which was an excellent purple colour, and her costume too was in vibrant shades of purple and white. She had her chin rested on her hand, which lay on a railing beside them. Her hair was an elegant brown colour and her eyes were emerald green. "My name is Lisa."

"Seems I will have to introduce myself as well. Kaeya. Cavalry Captain of thr Knights of Favonius." a blue haired man introduced himself. His ponytail rested on his chest, and his mouth was curved up in an amused smile.

"I'm Amber, an Outrider and Gliding Champion of Mondstadt!" a girl with dark brown hair in red outfit cheerfully announced.

"I'm Jean, Acting Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius and the person you came to meet." a woman in blonde hair and a blue suit spoke to them. She was seated at the desk in the middle of the room.

"So, why are we here?" Sou asked. Jean tilted her head towards him and sighed. Her expression looked troubled, and her tone pretty exhausted.

"Master Jean, you have not been overworking again, have you? Should I make some tea? And oh, your favourite sweets!" Noelle cheerfully spoke up. She was a nice girl, Soraru knew that much, but he personally did want to hurry up and return to his world.

"Thank you Noelle, but, no, not now. We need to escort them home and you back to your school." Jean smiled and then standing up, she started speaking.

"I fear that a group of Abyss Heralds is responsible for this situation. How they did it, I don't know, but Master Diluc saw three Abyss Heralds chanting some strange things and leave immediately. And then, just a few hours later, all of you appeared in this world. Its very confusing, to be honest." Jean sighed and then held out a paper. "However, they have sent this letter." Soraru and the others looked at it, but obviously to them, it was just a normal paper full of random squiggles. Just looking at it made Soraru's brain hurt.

"They have been spotted in the wilds in Tianqiu Valley. I've asked some individuals to take care of them already, so you may returnー" Jean was interrupted by Noelle and Shima.

"Please allow me to help!"

"We're gonna help!"

"No way." Soraru muttered and Sou nodded, a frown on his face. Shima ignored them as if it meant nothing to him and continued to declare that they would help.

"Why not just let them help? It coulf be interesting." Kaeya smiled while Jean just frowned at him. Amber looked angry as she glared at the blue haired Cavalry Captain.

"Fine. You'll all be fine as you will have some reliable people with you. Please be on your guards and let it be a learning experience." Jean looked towards the door as the sound of knocking occurred. "Speak of the devil."

A beautiful blue haired woman in black and white clothing, and a red haired man dressed in all black entered.

"Hmph! I'm doing this for the sake of my revenge, so don't think I'm doing it for you, Jean!" the blue haired woman said, a fake frown on her face.

"I'm cooperating with you knights only this once." the red haired man frowned as he leaned against the wall.

"Why so cold, Diluc?" Kaeya chuckled as he glanced at the red haired man, earning a do-you-wanna-die-young look from him.

"This is Miss Eula, and thats Master Diluc!" Noelle introduced them cheerfully, clearing away the tense atmosphere with her liveliness.

"YOSHHH BOUKEN DA BOUKEN" Bennett punched the air above him enthusiastically.

Soraru sighed. When would they ever get back at this rate?


Urata bumped into Childe as he suddenly came to an abrupt halt. He was waving at a familiar man with long black hair that had orange highlights. He had a hairpin in his hand and was glancing at it from all angles and turning it over gently in his gloved hands. No doubt. That was Zhongli.

"Zhongli sensei!!" Childe shouted at him, which made the elder man turn towards them and smile.

"I was expecting you." he said, as if he already knew everything. Suddenly "Master!" Xiao came running towards them, with all of Urata's friends and exchange students behind him.

"We should take this somewhere else." Childe muttered as he glanced at the crowd that had gathered behind them.

"Of course. But first, errr... would you happen to have any Mora with you?"

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