Author's note

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Ok, I doubt anyone wanna read this, but please read this. Next arc is the Strawberry Prince arc, and it has lots of sensitive stuff like depression and bullying in it. I tried to deal with it as sensitively as possible, but of course you can't be perfect. I'm straying away from the Soraru perspective and exploring new characters. As for this arc, hands tissues. Prepare your own tissues, the ones I give will not be enough. With that, time to roll into this chapter.

Random Author Rambling Corner for people who like to read:
It's the rainy season in my country and seriously, seriously hot. Please save me from these climate conditions. I'm sitting in an air conditioned room right now and sending an SOS. While writing this fanfic. Wwww. I'm rambling so much bye bye I have nothing to talk about now. I know I'm boring but thanks for reading my ramble corner.
P.S.:-I love corn. (absolutely not important to know, unnecessary author try to do some comedy, but I REALLY DO LOVE CORN OK)

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