Emily Smith 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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I walked into highschool, i tried looking for my friends but then remembered how they all started hating me over the summer. I was just so sad by it.

I was walking to first period with tears in my eyes and to try and stop them i looked up at the celling. BONK!!! 'I accidentally hit someone!'
"I-i-i'm so s-sorry."
"WATCH WHERE YOURE GOING STUPID BITCH!!" He barked at me and i walked back in fear.
"I-i-i'm sorry..." He rolled his eyes and walked past me, shoving me out his way. 'Scary guy...' I thought.

Little did i know that this guy would cause more trouble for me than I thought.

Tears where about to fall down my face, I need to get to the bathroom or somewhere other than the middle of the hallway. I was rushing past people. Hurrying to reach the bathroom. 'Perfect the first day of Junior year is going great!!!' I was rolling back my eyes mentally. I still felt like crying but less now. 'But I have to walk so far back to get to my class!!' I groaned mentally. I guess I could just go to the bathroom. I walked slowly, watching kids hurry into their classes. The hallway clearing up. I got to the restrooms and the bell rung. 'Well might as while start of the first day late.' Walking into the bathroom was a big mistake....

I walked into the restroom and there was my old friendgroup. Over the summer I did some stupid shit which i regret a lot, but my friends stopped being my friend for different reasons...

Looking at them, I was completely stuck in place. Their judgement clearly shown on their faces. They seemed... disgusted. Which I could understand. They just couldn't understand that I wasn't like other girls.

"Emily? What are you doing here?" Sarah said. Her voice was sharp and crisp. She could care less about me, and that was before they stopped being my friends too! She was a classic pick me girl. 'Ugh, what a bitch.' I thought.

"Well Sarah, this is a bathroom isn't it? Think what I would be doing here." No one laughed.

"Ugh whatever." Sarah said turning around and whispering something to the others. The all started laughing and looking me up and down. Getting a little less self confident I started looking at my outfit. I had on black leggings and a crop top Harvard shirt, with white vans of course!!! I thought my outfit was super cute, but maybe it wasn't....

'Come on Emily! Do something you idiot!!! Are you really just going to stand here and have them stare at you?!' I casually walked past them. Their eyes glaring and following me. I went to the bathroom and when I got out only Sarah was still there. She was doing her makeup. I came over to wash my hands. Her eyes meeting mine in the mirror.

"So," she said smacking her lips then turning over to me. "How are you?" She said in a bitchy tone. I honestly had no idea what she wanted from me.

"I was kidding, I don't really care." 'Oh.' Is all I wanted to say.
"You know what happened wasn't my fault! I didn't even do anything."
"Whatever you say, Emily."
"It's-" Sarah cut me off.
"Look Emily, we heard your side and just," she sighed, "You were a terrible person last year... and with her saying something and even though you explained she wouldn't lie about that. You, you just have a lot of problems you need to take care of your problems first. I mean what you did is unforgivable. I just, you were my bestie but you're a bestie who needs to get her shit together. Figure out your stuff first. Then come talk to us..." She sounded so, so, real. I wanted to say something, anything, but nothing came out. She just looked at me before walking away. I didn't know what to do or say. I just stood there. 'What did she mean I needed to work on myself?! Like I said I was telling the truth!! I just don't know why she didn't believe me. Stupid, stupid, STUPID!' I turned around punching the mirror, showing my strength and weakness at the same time, like I said I wasn't like other girls. I just wish the other girls would believe me....

I've been in the bathroom for nearly 30 minutes now, so I decided it may be time to go. The time I got there the teacher was talking and I sneaked in, hopefully she wouldn't see me but of course she did. I was sneaking to the last chair open and she turned around.
"Ms.Smith." She yelled loudly.
"You're late." 'Shit, shit, shit, shit, shittttt.'
"Oh um, yeah sorry..."
"Oh that sorry counts for so much!"
"No. You are getting detection." I had to stop my eye roll. I started walking to the last empty seat in the back.
"Oh and one more thing, because you decided to be late, everyone gets to stay in the seats they are now! Everyone is getting assigned seats, because of Ms. Emily Smith!!" The whole class groaned and complained.
"Thanks a lot Emily."
"Dude thats so great in so glad that Emily is in this class." I was about to cry but i just sat down. And I looked over and, of course, there was the guy who I 'met' in the hall.

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