Prologue ⁉️

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Book Started - 16/5/21
Book ended - / /

"Hey, Hariku-"

The boy's classmate jeered, sneering down at his perplexed face.

'The hell was with the commotion-? And why the fuck did this rat think he could just prance over and start talking?'

"So [y/n] likes you right? Are you two going out?? Are you fucking gay?" The kid said with a slight laugh caught in his throat, amused at the idea that the school's 'toughest' kid was a queer.

Perhaps collectively as a class the idea of it felt funny. They finally had something to tease the boy about. They were sick and tired of his attitude- maybe this'd knock him back a couple pegs? Either way it was hilarious to imagine him being 'homo' with the freak of the class.

Hariku's face darkened. Eyebrows scrunched together, eyes shot wide open - practically popping out of their sockets. Grinding on his teeth, he glared up at his classmate.

"The fuck are you talking about?"

His classmate stifled his laughter, no longer affected by this boys's eerie gaze and feeling pleasantly amused at managing to rile him up. He lifted his arm, pointing towards the front of the classroom.

"I'm talking about your boyfriend of course! [Y/n]!"

He finally released his laughter, kids around the room joining in too. Hariku's cheeks flushed. A sense of helplessness washing over him - only to be quickly replaced by a strong pulsing anger.

Fist so tightly close his knuckles were white, he glared over [y/n]'s desk.
[Y/n] had your head low down, trying to avoid eye contact. A group of girls sat on and stood around your desk, howling and poking him.

Hariku had never felt such a rage. An instant desire to take his compass and drive it into the other boy's neck, filled his mind. The laughter of the classroom muting his voice of reason. He never was one for rationality.



[Y/n] lay on the hard gravel floor, small rocks digging into his flesh.
He held his stomach tight, trying to turn himself into a small ball.

He could've fought back.

But he felt he deserved it, embarrassing Hariku like that. He didn't know the girls would tell everyone.

"I think Hariku's really cool, c-cute even...."

[Y/n] mentally punched himself.

'God fuck,'

He ached all over. He kept thinking back to his pathetic yelping and pleading. Flinching as he remembered Hariku's fist crashing into his cranium. Tears dropped from your eyes to the gravel. His heart ached.

He was sorry. So sorry. He was angry at himself, angry that he ruined Hariku's day. He ruined any nice thing Hariku thought about about him.

"Hariku....I'm sorry"

[Y/n's] voice cracked, it came out choked. The [h/c] boy lay there, just aching. Bruises forming on his [s/c] skin, uniform shorts ripped at the bottom, [e/c] eyes now purple.

"Please forgive me Hariku..."


Aching eyes closed tight, yelling out apologies. He held himself tight.



The prologues on my stories are often short, longer chapters are coming!

I hope you liked it, feel free to give me any feedback :]

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