Rainy Disdain❗️

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Monday morning began off a little strangely.

It was a dismal day. The clouds were a smokey grey and vomited up enough rain to last a month. The flesh on [Y/n]'s hand still peeled from the burns and he winced every time he flexed his fingers but a warm feeling sunk into his heart.

The boy adjusted his uniform in the mirror. Looking over at his closet, he began digging through looking for a coat of sorts. He inhaled deeply, enjoying the smell of rain. Weirdly enough, rainy days were a favorable experience of [Y/n]'s.

He had the window of his room ajar so the sound of the heavy rainfall echoed round his room. It was calming in a sense.

[Y/n] finally retrieved a coat. It was battered a little, blue, short and had fur on the rim of the hood. He slipped it on, zipping it up and smiling at the mirror again. He grabbed his bag and headed downstairs.


The doorbell rung repetitively. [Y/n] stormed over to the door, evidently frustrated.

Whining as his burnt fingers curled round the handle, he pulled open the door. Stood before him in the rain was Hariku. [Y/n] froze, trying to process what was happening. Hariku was sopping wet and he was glaring viciously at the other boy.

"Er, Harik-"

The taller boy shoved [Y/n] to the side, inviting himself in. He looked around, trying not to visibly shiver. [Y/n] smiled bashfully. He glanced up at Hariku.

"Do you want to borrow a coat or- ?"

He got nothing but silence in response.

"I have to go now, I can't let you stay in my house,"

[Y/n] grabbed a black umbrella and shuffled towards the door. In one swift motion, Hariku was by the other's side.

The pair of them left the house, [Y/n] making sure to lock the door. He opened the umbrella, lifting it above his head.

Hariku's height let him down, his eye nearly getting poked out. He snatched the umbrella, his cold hand ontop of the other's, and held it higher above them both. [Y/n]'s arm stretched uncomfortably.

"Oh," He laughed nervously, "We should go now."

He felt that warm feeling again. Blushing at Hariku's rough hand on his own.

Unrequited feelings are a fate worse than death;

The pair began the walk to school. It was an awkward silence throughout the journey. Once at school they eventually split, Hariku taking the umbrella.

The taller boy scrunched his nose in disgust, chucking the thing into his locker.  The few minutes at the start of the day he had all to himself as [Y/n] was busy at his locker.

Hariku memorized everything possible about [Y/n]'s house.

Including the window still ajar,


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