I hate you❗️

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[Y/n] clutched his backpack straps tightly, tripping over his feet as he tried to match Hariku's pace. He flicked his [Hair type] hair out of his face, glancing up at the back of the other boys head. An icey aura radiated around Hariku, as per usual. [Y/n] ducked his head down, staring back at the school hall's tacky flooring.

Class had almost certainly started which could mean only one thing; Hariku was skipping. A tight knot developed in [y/n]'s throat at the thought of missing school.

He had every opportunity to go back to class, no one was making him follow Hariku around everywhere, no one thought that he should. [Y/n] just couldn't let it go. He just needed to hear he was forgiven.

Guilt. Chewing away constantly at the back of his mind. Nowadays it had completely swallowed him whole. Guilt for what exactly?—
The impossible loneliness he felt brought forth such desperation to be loved he couldn't help but feel guilt.

When he was caught staring at them, when he was thinking about them, when he drew pictures of them—


When he embarrassed them in front of the whole class. Guilt for loving. Guilt for loving him. As if a his debt owed was to to be a free punching bag. [Y/n] would swallow the knot in his throat and skip class, be ridiculed and harassed because he felt it was owed. A stupid conclusion to many but to him—

'Well, love tends to make a fool out of you.'

[Y/n] sighed. His feet finally moved at a content speed as he drifted past the lockers.

'Take a left, down the hall then on the right...'

Hariku entered the now empty boys bathroom. His posture slouched as usual as he leaned against the damp walls. It was a shitty bathroom; paint chipping off the walls, broken cubicle doors, a busted sink and the soap dispenser constantly out of soap.

In other words it was free real estate for the school's "bad boys".

[Y/n] stood in the bathroom doorway, opposite Hariku, pulling on his jumper strings— like an idiot. He eventually began moving again, sitting against one of the non-broken cubicle doors, two doors from Hariku.  He pulled his bag off his shoulders, placing it in his lap and unzipping it. He sat cross-legged, sneaking glances up at the other boy in the room and fiddling with the zipper from his bag.

He pulled out an exercise book, rummaged around for a text book and a pen, then eventually began his already-due assignments.

'Last minute yet again;'

[Y/n] began scribbling away at his note book, rushing each task. An uncomfortable silence lingered in the air. Besides the occasional dripping of the faulty tap and [Y/n]'s messy pen use, there really wasn't any sound coming from either boy. Well, unless you count [Y/n]'s 'secret' glances at Hariku conversation.

It remained that way for a while.

Hariku pulled out a cigarette, lighting it with a crappy, half-alive lighter he kept in his back pocket. He brought it to his lips, [y/n] paused his work, watching intently. Within seconds, the filthy smell of smoke made it's way to [y/n].

Coughing a little, he shuffled away from Hariku. He hated smoke. He couldn't help but freak out about all the health issues that it brought along. He tensed his body, uncomfortably trying not to cough.

"I'm sure you know how bad that is for you, right? You should really stop..."

[Y/n]'s voice was timid. He probably sounded so annoying.

"Don't smoke, Hariku!"

"Don't be so mean, Hariku!"

"Don't be so reckless, Hariku!"

"Don't say such things, Hariku!"

"Hariku, Hariku, Hariku!"

[Y/n] visibly cringed after finally realizing what he sounded like. He must just be an annoying, whiny voice to the other boy.

'God fuck, what a creep;' The [h/c] haired boy bit his tongue as he thought it.

Hariku grimaced in disgust, clearly also realizing how annoying [Y/n] sounded.

"I let you follow me around all day, the least you could do is keep your stupid mouth shut."

The other boy winced at the harsh tone, nodding in defeat. The silence flooded the room yet again. It was aching to be broken but [Y/n] wouldn't dare.

After a few more suffocating minutes of smoke, Hariku strode over to [Y/n]. His still-lit cigarette was held delicately between two fingers. He towered over the boy on the floor.

The other shifted uncomfortably, quickly spiraling into a state of panic. Hariku's eyes shot wide open, glaring hungrily at [Y/n]. A sadistic smile crawled it's way onto his face as he bought his cigarette closer to the [s/c] skin on the [h/c]-ette's [thin; chubby; ] neck.

He wrapped his free hand round the other side of [Y/n]'s head, keeping it steady. He bit his lip as he pressed the cigarette into the boy's skin, earning a surprised yelp.

[Y/n] squealed like a pig, frail hands clawing at the now extinguished cigarette. His burnt flesh was nothing less than enjoyable to Hariku. He hated this little parasite.

Feeling a destructive type of rage fill his veins, he pushed the other boy down flat on the sticky tiles of the bathroom. He clambered above him, [Y/n]'s jaw being crushed under the weight of Hariku. A sharp jab bashed [Y/n's] ribcage along with a tug at his [hair type] hair.

Hariku retrieved his dodgy lighter once again. He flicked it on, still pinning down the wailing boy. He brought the flame to [Y/n's] hands, maliciously burning the [s/c] yet again.

The [h/c]-ette choked on what he considered shameful sobs. He bit into his lip to try and muffle his 'whining', sharp teeth drawing blood.

Hariku smiled wide as he decimated the other's skin.

'At least that boy has some use.'


"Quit whining. It's your fault you're in pain. Just shut your mouth next time."

The aggravated voice complained.

[Y/n] wiped his eyes. He was at the sinks, running his hands under cold water. He didn't bother with the burn on his neck, it wasn't much in comparison to his hands.

Those of which had swollen red patches all over that stung and peeled and HURT.

Hariku had eventually gotten bored, getting off the other only to lean against the cubicle doors and grimace, mock and sneer at the sniveling [Y/n] bellow him.

Still leaning against the door, he eyed the other with judgmental eyes. Evidently confused at the stupidity of choosing to hang around him. He ground his teeth.

"You're a fucking idiot, you know."

The [h/c]-ette in front of him sighed, shrugging a little.

"Trust me, I'm fully aware."


- Hope you enjoyed :]

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