Chapter One

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Chapter One-Carlas POV

I slammed my locker door shut quickly as made my way to english."Carla!"yelled my best friend Dylan as he ran towards me."We still on for bowling tonight?"I questioned as I stopped outside of my english room."Yeah."replied Dylan as I tiptoed in and took my seat.I pulled my english book from the bottom of my bag and started to read it."You coming out tonight?"asked Hannah,One of the popular girl as she sat in the seat beside me.This was unusual because Hannah and the rest her clique never even gave me a passing glance."Erm,I cant,Im going bowling with Dylan."I informed as I looked up from my book."Your always with him,Are you like dating or something?"she sighed loudly."No!"I snapped feeling grossed out by the thought of my and Dylan dating."Well how about you ditch him and come out with us!"she suggested as she pointed to Harmony and Bailey,Another two of the populars."Okay."I replied feeling unsure about the plan.I did want to go bowling with Dylan but I really dont want people to think were dating.At the end of the day I quickly rushed to Dylans locker and and waited for him to arrive.Soon after he did."Hey."he smiled as he opened his locker and pulled out his Ipod."I cant make bowling tonight,Somethings popped up."I lied as I waved slightly to him and ran out of the school doors.Within five minutes I was home.I slowly trailed upstairs and into my room.I opened my cupboard and pulled out my favourite blue hoodie and black leggings.When I was ready I headed back downstairs and said goodbye to my mum."Okay Bye Sweetie."smiled my mum caringly as I shut the door behind me.I slowly walked to Hannahs house then knocked loudly on the door."Hey Carla."chirped Hannah as her,Harmony,Bailey,Sophie,Codie and Dominique stepped out.This was all of the popular girls except Rachel."Wheres Rachel?"I wandered as Hannah shut the door."Why would we want to hang around with that reject?!"coughed Codie as we all walked down the street.Now it makes sence,I was the replacement for Rachel.Anyway,after a while of walking we finally reached a large forest."Your pathetic Reece,It over!"yelled Bailey as she hung up the phone."Aww Bay,Are you okay?"questioned Sophie as she put her arm around Bailey."Did I do the right thing?"she cried as she looked at her phone."Yeah!"confermed Codie as she put on some more mascara.Bailey and Reece had an on off relationship that everyone new about."Carla,So whats the deal with you and Dylan if your not dating?"questioned Harmony as she sat on a large rock."Were just best friends."I insisted as I sat next to her.They all nodded but I could tell by there faces they didnt believe me."No,really."I continued as Baileys phone started to ring."Its Reece!"she paniced as she looked at the screen."Hang up!"demanded Hannah as we all turned to face Bailey.She accepted to call and put the phone to her ear to speak."I said hang up!"yelped Hannah as she snatched the phone from Baileys hands."Sorry."gulped Bailey as Hannah hung up and passed her the phone.Hannah was the 'leader' of the group I suppose.The one who made all the decisions.Anyway,after a while of talking we all headed home.I was home just after eight and mum was putting Josh,my baby brother,to bed."Dylan called before."she whispered as she tiptoed down the stairs."Okay thanks mum,Ill ring him back now."I yawned as I grabbed the phone and took it to my room."Hey Dylan."I chirped as he picked up."Hey,why couldnt you come bowling?"he questioned happily as I changed into my pyjamas."Erm...I was busy with homework."I lied,starting to feel guilty."Oh okay,how about we go tomorrow then?"he suggested loudly as I sat back on my bed.I thought hard,Hannah had invited me to a party but I said I might not be able to go.I couldnt bail on Dylan again."Okay."I replied as I emailed Hannah."Great,Well I better go now bye."he coughed as he hung up.I quickly took the phone back downstairs then ran back to my room.I had a new email from Hannah.She wanted to know why.I quickly shut my computer down then put my hair in a messy bun.Soon after I fell into a dreamless sleep.The next morning I woke up early.I quickly had a wash and brushed my teeth then changed into my uniform.after that I straightened my long blonde and did my make up."You ready?"asked mum as she peered through the door."Nearly."I sniffed as I put my Ipod in my bag.After that I made my way downstairs and sat on the sofa.Soon after there way a loud knock on the door.I rushed to the door and opened it to see Dylan standing there with his earphones in."Bye mum!"I yelled kindly as Dylan took them out.We walked to school slowly and were there in ten minutes."I better get to my tutor."waved Dylan as he ran along the corridor to his tutor room.Shortly after I headed to my tutor room."Carla."chirped Dominique as I sat down beside her."Hey Dom."I cheered as Miss Helton trailed in the room.We talk for a bit while Miss Helton did the register."Right,Go to your first lesson class!"she croaked loudly as we all made our way to our lessons.I had drama but none of the poplars had taken that for a GCSE option.Dylan did drama to.Anyway,I slowly walked to drama and bumped into Dylan on the way.We talked a little until we got into the classroom.Mrs Elmtry did the register then handed out scripts."I want you to get into boy-girl pairs."she commanded as she handed me the last script.clearly I picked Dylan and we started to read."But we could never be together."I sighed as Dylan grabbed me hand.This was awkward because we were good friends but it is only acting."Why not,Whats stopping us?"he replied as he pulled me close."You know what!"I bellowed miserably as I pulled myself free."Does it really matter?"he questioned as he gripped my hand once again,only this time tighter."You know I love you but now isnt the right time."I coughed as I tried to stop myself from giggling."Well done you two."interrupted Mrs Elmtry as she passed."Then Ill wait."insisted Dylan as he kissed me passionatly."And scene."I laughed,trying to make things less awkward.He smiled slightly then everyone sat in a circle on the floor.The rest of the day went by pretty quickly and before I new it,it was time to go home.Thank god it was a Friday.When I got home I got changed into a hot pink hoodie and jeggings.Then I made my way to Dylans house.On the way I saw Harmony walking to Hannahs."Hey Carla,you coming the party?"questioned Harmony as she crossed te road so she could talk to me."No,I promised Dylan I would go bowling with him,Sorry."I explained,hoping she would understand."Oh okay."she sighed,sounding sad."But Ill come to the next party."I smiled as Harmonys face lit up."Good,I wont tell Hannah that though,You know what shes like."she giggled as I waved her goodbye and continued on my way.Harmony was less controlling than Hannah.Its not that I have anything agains Hannah,its just she is very demmanding.So I rushed to Dylans happily and knocked on the door."Is Dylan in?"I asked Dylans mum,Karen,as she answered the door."Dylan,Carlas here."she yelled kindly with a caring smile on her pale face.

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