Chapter Two

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Chapter Two-Dylans POV

I quickly ran downstairs with my blonde hair spiked up."Hey."chirped Carla sweetly as I stepped outside."So how should we get there?"I questioned feeling hypnotized by her beauty."Bus?"she suggested as we made our way to the bus stop.I nodded in responce while we walked.She was gorgeous.The thing I loved most about her though was her perfect personality.I had never known a girl so amazing in my life except for Carla.When we reached the bus stop it wasnt long before the bus arrived.We got on and had a conversation about what we wanted to do when we left school.Carla said she wanted to be an actress or a beautician.She would be amazing at either.After a short while we had reached our destination and climbed off the bus.We entered the bowling alley and paid for our game.It was five pounds each."I hate these shoe!"moaned Carla in a funny voice."Just think,Other peoples feet have been in them."I laughed knowing that it would freak her out.She hit me playfully then when quickly walked to our lane."Ladys first."I winked,hoping she would find it cute.She glanced at me confidently then launched the ball at the pins."Strike!"she yelled proundly."You just got lucky."I smirked as I picked up my ball and threw it towards the pins."Strike!"I repeated as I turned around and pulled tongues at Carla.After the game was over we went to macdonalds to get some dinner.I know,Its not exactly the most romantic place for a guy to take the girl he loves but she chose to go there.We ate our meals slowly as we chatted about our childhood memories.Carla was the only girl I had ever loved.Sure,Id had girlfriends but none of them compared to Carla.So we broke up but I hadnt had a girlfriend in years.Not since I realised that no girl was as perfectas Carla.Anyway,We had one more week in school.The hardest week of our life.The week we had to do our GCSEs then we were free."Remember the time when your your mum took us to spain for a week."chirped Carla,interrupting my thoughts.I nodded in responce as I looked into her perfect brown eyes."We should go home now."commented Carla as she stood up and made her way to the door.I quickly followed and in no time we were at the bus stop for the second time tonight.The bus arrive a few minutes later and we climbed on."Ive had a great time tonight."insisted Carla as she smiled at me,her perfect teeth gleeming."Same again tomorrow?"I replied hopfully."I cant,I promised Harmony Id go to a party."she apologised as we got off the bus.I sighed quietly and walked towards Carlas house.Since when did she like Harmony anyway?When we reached her house she hugged me goodbye.I never wanted to let go.I loved her.That was the simple fact and all I had to do was tell her."I..."I started before she waved and entered her house.What was I thinking?If she knew,it would ruin our friendship.I slowly strolled home thinking hard about whether I should tell Carla or not.When I got home I quietly walked in,trying not to wake everyone up."Dylan,where have you been?"questioned my brother,Masen,as he kept his eyes on his game."Oh just bowling with Carla."I sighed as I flopped onto my bed."You got it bad."laughed Masen,trying to wind me up."No I dont!"I lied as I looked at my phone.He rolled his eyes,signalling that he didnt believe me.I did have it bad but if Masen knew that then he would definately tell Carla.Anyway,I lay down in my bed then fell into a deep slumber.The next morning I woke up just after noon."Morning."cheered my mum as I rolled out of bed and got changed into some clean clothes.When I was ready I got a wash then rushed to Carlas house.When I got there I knocked loudly on the door."Is Carla in?"I questioned as her mum answered the door."No sorry Dylan,she left about an hour ago."she informed as I turned around and walked home.I picked up my phone and slowly texted her asking who she was with.I waited patiented for about an hour then got a reply.She was with Dominique.Carla hated the populars.When did they become so close?"Fancy a game of COD?"asked Masen as he threw a controller at me."Yeah okay."I replied as I switched it on.I wasnt really into video games but it was something to get my mind off Carla.We played a few rounds then I decided to do some studying considering I had my GCSEs next week.I grabbed my revision books and started to jot down notes."Is Dylan In?"I heard someone asking from downstairs.Its was a girls voice.I jumped up and ran the the door only the find Hannah standing there.I sighed in dissapointment then got closer to her."Fancy coming to a party tonight,as my date?"she questioned,flicking her eyelashes.I only loved Carla.Then again maybe if I went to the party with Hannah Carla would be jelous."Okay."I smiled,thinking my plan was perfect."Great,Ill pick you up at eight."waved Hannah as she made her way back home.When she was out of sight I slammed the door shut then ran upstairs.I opened my wardrobe door and pulled a pair of ripped jeans and a plain black T-shirt."That Carla?"wandered Masen loudly as he carried on playing COD."No,Im going out with Hannah tonight."I informed,thinking about what shoes to wear.His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open."How did you get a girl like Hannah?!"snapped Masen in a shocked tone as he turned to face me."I dont like her Masen,But if I date her then Carla might get jelous."I confirmed,his mouth still open wide."I thought you didnt like Carla?"he smirked sarcastically."Clearly I do but promise not to tell her."I pleaded as I spiked my hair up."Yeah."he promised as he rolled his eyes at me.I was ready by half seven and at exactly eight Hannah knocked on my door.She looked quite pretty but nothing compared to how Carla usually looked.

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