Chapter Three

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Chapter Three-Carla POV

I walked around the corner with Dominique and Sophie either side of me.Our heels made loud clicks as we stepped.Minutes later we were outside of a huge mansion.One of Hannah and Harmonys friends was having a party and we were all invited.We rushed through the crowded doors then entered the room.I saw Dylan hand-in-hand with Hannah.I waved at him happily and continued on my way.I reached the dance floor and started to dance.A couple of boys started to eye me up.I loved the attention.I strutted over to them and started to talk.There eyes focused on my chest which made me feel uncomfortable but I carried on talking anyway."Wanna dance?"questioned Kyle,one of the boys,as he grabbed my hand and guided me back to the dance floor.We started to dance then he pushed me towards the wall.I tried to push him off of me but he was to strong.He kissed me softly then started to get rougher."Get off of me!"I yelled angrily as I managed to push him away.He gripped my arm then pinned me back up against the wall."I dont think so blondie!"he snapped as he leaned in for another kissed.I turned my face to the side then tried to break free."I said get off of me!"I screamed,starting to panic."You heard the girl."growled a hot boy as he pulled Kyle off of me."I dont think you understand mate."commanded Kyle as he squared up to the boy that had previously helped me.The boy swung his fist at Kyles face with power and Kyle fell to the floor."Thank you."I cried as I ran towards him and hugged him tightly."I hate guys like that."he confirmed as he smiled at me with perfect white teeth.We started to talk and soon we were in deep conversation.

Dylans POV

"Im just going the bathroom."informed Hannah as she left me by myself.I wandered around the house looking for Carla and within five minutes I did.She was talking to a tanned boy and I could tell she liked him.My heart sunk.I got closer and she caught sight of me."Ryan this is Dylan,My best friend."she introduced as I shook Ryans hand.I tried to get involved with there conversation but they were hypnotised by each other.After a majority of pointless attempts I decided to return to Hannah."Where have you been?"she snapped harshly as she stomped towards me."I was looking for Carla."I sighed sadly with my head down."You win Harm."grouned Hannah as she handed Harmony a twenty pound note."Huh?I dont understand?"I sniffed,feeling confused."You didnt actually think Id ask you out did you?"laughed Hannah cruelly."I bet her she couldnt last a night with you."comfirmed Harmony as the pair walked away,still laughing at me.I punched the wall angrily then pushed my way out of the mansion.Soon I was home in my own bed.I tried hard to hold back the tears but I couldnt help it.I had been humilliated and lost any chance I ever had of being with Carla.My eyes became red and swore.

Carlas POV

"Heres my number."I blushed as I handed Ryan a piece of paper.He saved it on his phone then sent me a text so I would have his number.I quickly saved it then we continued to talk."You've got seriously gorgeous eyes."he complimented as we looked into each others eyes.He had beautiful brown eyes."Thank you."I smiled shyly as we became hypnotised by each other.I leaned in towards him slowly then kissed him gently on the lips.It lasted a few seconds then I leaned back.We gripped onto each others hand tightly then started to walk outside."You want to come to mine,we can watch a movie,eat some popcorn.No strings attatched."he offered kindly.I thought hard but my thoughts were interuppted."I promise."he chirped sweetly as I nodded happily.We slowly wandered down the dark streets until we reached a small house.He opened the door and I stepped in.His house was beautiful."Wheres your parents?"I questioned as we made our way to his room.My dads on a business meeting and I dont see my mum."he informed as I sat on his bed."You an only child then?"I asked trying not to seem nosey."No,My sisters staying at her boyfriends and my little brothers on a trip with the school till next wednesday."he coughed nicely as he turned his TV on.He put a film I had never seen before on then rushed downstairs to get some popcorn.I waited patientally and with ten minutes he came running upstairs.The next morning I woke up in his bed.Still wearing my party dress.I sat up and saw Ryan lying on the floor still in his clothes.He had kept his promise.I looked at myself in the mirror and quickly picked up a brush from Ryans bedside table.I began to brush my messy hair when suddenly Ryan awoke.

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