Chapter Five

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Chapter Five-Carlas POV

I woke up early on monday morning.This was going to be the hardest week of my life.I quickly got dressed and did my make up then straightened my hair neatly down.I was ready by seven and still had about two hours to revise for my maths test.I read the revision book,taking in every single word.Then my phone buzzed in my pocket.It was a text off Ryan.He wanted to see me before school.I grabbed my bag and ran to his house.He welcomed me in and we sat in his room for a while.I looked at the time,it was quater to nine."I better go now baby."I sighed sadly as I gave him a kiss goodbye."Good luck."he waved as I rushed down the street.I got to school just in time and took my usual seat next to Hannah."Where did you get to saturday night?"she questioned as the bell went."I met this boy called Ryan..."I started before I was interrupted by Hannah."You didnt sleep with him did you?"she asked,sounding interested."No but he asked me to be his girlfriend."I explained as she listened carefully.After registration we all made our way to the hall and sat down at single desks.All of the maths teachers were handing out the tests and with ten minutes everyone was ready to begin.I picked up my pencil and stared at the page infront of me.I answered the questions as best as I could but I still found it quite tricky.At the end of the school day I was shaking with fear.I couldnt bare another day like today.It was terrifying.Ive never been so nervous in my entire life."How did you do?"asked Dylan as he arrived at my locker."Rubbish,I know I did!"I sighed,feeling annoyed with myself."So you wanna come to mine?"he asked hopfully as we walked towards the main doors."Im going to Ryans,Sorry."I informed as I rushed home and got changed.When I was ready I went to Ryans.I knocked quietly on the door and minutes after he opened it."Hello."he cheered as I entered the house.He guided me upstairs and we sat in his room and talked for a while."I wish Id finished school last year like you."I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder.I wanted to stay like this forever.

Dylans POV

I sat in my room alone,feeling miserable.I only had one more week in school.Id been waiting for this the last six years of my life but now it was approaching I realised that when school was finished I would probably never see Carla.I decided that since we had prom on friday night and Ryan couldnt come as he didnt go to our school,I would ask Carla to go with me.She would probably think we were just going as friends but at the end of the night I could tell her how I really feel.Maybe then she would leave Ryan.I quickly changed then ran as fast as I could to Carlas."Is Carla home?"I questioned,trying to hide my excitement."Yes,she just got in not long ago."welcomed Carlas mum as I ran upstairs.She was sat on her bed wearing a new silver necklace im guessing was off Ryan."Carla you wanna go prom together on Friday?"I askd nervously hoping she would say yes."Sure."she smiled as she admired her necklace.I sat beside her on the bed and within minutes we were in deep conversation with one and other.Suddenly Carlas phone started to ring."Ive gotta take this sorry."she sniffed as she answered the phone."Ryan."she cheered happily as she left me alone in the room.I rolled my eyes and left for home.At least I was going to the prom with her.I rushed home thinking of what exactly I was going to say when suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by Hannah and Harmony cruel laugh.I glared at them angrily then continued to trail home.When I got there I opened the door quickly and rushed upstairs.Masen was on his game as usual so I decided I might as well go to bed.The next day I woke up at half eight which only gave me fifteen minutes to get dressed.

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