Stomach Ache

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**Cheryl's pov**

The curtains flutter around as a sunny breeze makes its way into my bedroom. I thought I closed that stupid window. Groaning, I stand up and close the window. Why am I getting so mad over a window? I shrug it off and climb back in bed.

I turn onto my side and smile instantly. Toni, my absolute bliss, sound asleep. Her cute baby lawn mower snores fill the silence in my room. I laugh a little to myself when she mumbles something, dreamy smile stretched across her beautiful face, and the newfound warmth in my arms.

And just like that the moment is ruined.

I feel a wave of nausea come over me, making me puff out my cheeks and suddenly I'm racing to the bathroom. I really hope I just didn't wake Toni from her obvious peaceful slumber. Well my wishes were ignored as I feel a pair of hands hold my hair back. One of her hands move from my hair to my back rubbing it in soothing circles. The violent retching finally stops and I turn to face Toni. Tears are on the brink of my eye line and I pout.

"Aw, babe I'm sorry." Toni says as she kisses my forehead and wets a rag wiping my face of the stupid vomit that left my lips not too long ago.

"I feel like shit." Toni laughs as she hands me a toothbrush. I frown because she hasn't kissed me yet. Well she did but she always kisses me on the lips every morning before we go and brush our teeth. Kinda like an unspoken tradition.

"Babe, I love you but I draw the line at kissing you and having to taste your vomit." I flick her on her forehead before brushing my teeth. Although I see where she's coming from.

Once we finish we both crawl back into bed. I groan while tossing and turning. I let out a frustrated groan as I slap a pillow over my face. Toni laughs as she takes the pillow away from my face.

"It's not funny! My stomach hurts!" I say whining.

"I'm sorry but you are so cute when you're angry. I'm gonna get you something to make you feel better." She pecks my lips and makes her way to the medicine cabinet.

She comes back with some pills and water. I don't even ask what they are before I snatch the water and the pills and down two pills. She laughs at me before going downstairs.

"Where are you going?" I whine once the pills and water are swallowed.

"I'm gonna makes you some soup. The only thing that will most likely stay down." She says before walking out the door. I just grunt doubting that she can even hear me.

I turn over on my side with a whimper. I snap my eyes closed as I try and get some sleep. I grab a pillow and throw it across the room in frustration. I only regret that decision when I realize that I don't have the fluffy fabric to catch my head when I throw it back. I let out an angry groan but it's cut short by a kiss to my lips.

"Babe you seriously gotta calm down." Toni says while chuckling. I grunt and sit up again. She goes grab the pillow I threw not too long ago and places behind my back.

"Thank you TT."

"You're welcome baby."

"Now, where's my soup?" I say looking at her expectantly. She laughs and shakes her head again before picking up the bowl and places it in my grasp.

"What! No!"

"What do you mean "no" Cher. That's you're soup." She says rolling her eyes.

"Well duh but I wanted you to feed it to me. Please Toni?" I say pouting.

"Anything for my girl I suppose." She smiles at me and I peck her lips.

"You always know how to make me happy." I say cheerily.

"Yeah yeah whatever." She says with an eye roll and a blush.

oh my god. it's been like two years. i honestly don't know what to do with this story so uh lmk if you me to continue. this has been in my drafts since like may 2021 and i haven't rly had any motivation to even finish hence the extremely crappy ending. anyways, i'll try to update more if y'all even still care !!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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